School of Medicine

The Cradles Of Physicians


In ancient times, medical development in Taiwan mostly were based on traditional Chinese herbal medication. The cultivation of the medical personnel then were mostly apprenticeship.


After the Japanese took over Taiwan, Western medical concepts were introduced. In addition to establishing Western-style health care system, the Japanese also set up organizations and medical personnel license systems to cultivate physicians. At that time, the only medical institution in Taiwan became Taipei Imperial University, Department of Medicine (the predecessor of National Taiwan University, Department of Medicine)after several changes.


(National Archives Administration, National Development Council,

There are 13 domestic universities established medical departments, playing the role of the cradle of the physicians. Currently, those universities cultivate around 1300 physicians per year.


However, due to the fact that there are inadequate physicians in some rural areas, Ministry of Health and Welfare decided to enroll 100 public expense students additionally. NTU, National Yang-Ming University, and National Defense Medical Center take 20 more, while National Cheng-Kung University, Private Kaohsiung Medical University, Private Chang-Gung University, and Private Tzu-Chi University take 10, Not squeezing to the original quota.


Ministry of Health and Welfare had provisioned more than 10 million NT dollars as academic cultivation funds. The government will subsidize 130,000 NT dollars per student per semester, being expected to increase the amount year by year. As for the enrollment, the students should conduct rural service for six years after the completion of professional training of medical students.

(the press release of the Ministry of Health and Welfare)

In order to assist those who wish to join ckdoctor understand the cradles of the physicians more, the member of CKMAN not only collected the overviews of each department of medicine but also visit those departments personally by participating in medical camps and trips to Southern Taiwan.


Furthermore, we asked for reference information or photos of some inaccessible department of medicine.



1. Department of Medicine, National Taiwan University

2. Department of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University

3. Department of Medicine, National Cheng-Kung University

4. Department of Medicine, Private Taipei Medical University

5. Department of Medicine, Private Chang-Gung University

6. Department of Medicine, Private Kaohsiung Medical University

7. Department of Medicine, Private Tzu-Chi University

8. Department of Medicine, Private China Medical University

9. Department of Medicine, Private Fu-Jen Catholic University

10. Department of Medicine, Private Zhong-Shan Medical University

11. Department of National Defense Medical Medicine

12. Department of Medicine, Mackey Medical University

13. Department of Medicine (foreign students special classes) , I-Shou University


