
Physicians is an ancient profession, exploring a complicated life science, life, which is filled with mysteries from birth to death. Medical science is an accumulation of experiences, and furthermore verifying the circumstances through scientific method. Physicians are specialized in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, healing, and maintaining lives.


Rumor has it that the Chinese world spread descendants, and the Shennong is the first physician. He taught people to plant and farm, collected herbs in the mountains, and taught people medical treatments. However, the rumor is lack of scientific proof. Hippocrates is known as the ancestor of modern medicine, particularly developed Western medicine and surgery, which is also based on the past experiences.

When the emergency department physician Ko Wen-je created a so-called ”White Whirlwind”, overwhelmingly elected Taipei mayor, people found that physicians can not only save lives but also save politics. Nevertheless, Mayor Ko wasn't the pioneer.

The father of Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen, was a kindhearted physician who took Western medical education. Titled the Father of Taiwan, Chiang Wei Shei, was graduated from Taiwan University Medical College medical school. He practiced medicine while the revolution against Japan is flourishing.


The Physician's Day in Taiwan is as well Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Birthday Festival, which is now only a memorial day. Unfortunately, people seem to forgot the critical day. Consequently, this study briefly describes those medical allusions.

