The Physician Day is the birthday of Father of the Republic

In one's life, chances are that he or she at least goes to the doctor once. Indeed, a good doctor is like a living Bodhisattva, which is highly respected. Father of the Republic was not only a doctor but a skillful doctor. At his age of 27, Sun Yat Sen got first grade at Hong Kong College of Medicine. The professor even praised Sun for his outstanding performances.


After his graduation,Sun still continued saving his patients' life while planning the revolution. There were many people who went to his clinic. And he was highly complimented by his patients. Not only was his medical operation superior, but the fee was low. Sun even cured the poverty-stricken patients without charging them at all.

Why didn't Sun just be a doctor since he had been highly respected? Sun thought that a doctor could only save some people while he could save 4 hundred million people in China .


March 1948, the National Medical Association Joint Assembly was held in Nanjing. The resolution was to set November 12th, the birthday of Father of the Republic , as the Physician Day, commemorating the great spirit of the foundation of the Republic. Thus, the Physician Day was established.



Physician Day
