Doctors go abroad.

Problems of the doctor’s future in Taiwan is getting serious day by day in recent years. Some go abroad such as Malaysia, china, the States, Singapore for high salary, some transfer from certain departments such as surgery to another like aesthetic medicine, and some even capitalize on weekends going to China to perform surgery to make money. The main reasons causing the phenomenon mentioned above are probably as follow:


1.Chealabour under medical insurance system

The medical insurance system in Taiwan is truly a problem which needs improving urgently. The system of total payment of medical insurance now adapts “global budget system.” In other words, Ministry of Health and Welfare will make a budget for medical resource each year, and then distribute the supporting grant among every medical facilities. Without prejudice to the all supporting grant, if the utilization rate increases, the “point” this system creates will too, and this causes that the price of the point will also decrease. The merit of such a system is to control the cost of medicine. However, it correspondingly cuts the paramedic’s salary. They works for long time hard, but the points are of trifling value.


2.Medical “factory” affected by consortium

Consortium is another “problem” that the medical system has faced. Nonprofit hospitals would do its hardest to attract patients to increase income, yet the labor in hospitals isn’t enough to attend too much patients. To react to the worthless supporting grant, this kind of hospitals tends to cut the health care workers’ salary. If consortiums only take profits into consideration under such circumstances, a hospital is prone to become some alternative sweatshop.


3.Worsening quarrel between doctors and patients

More and more medical dispute is the last straw breaking the doctor’s back. Medical system in Taiwan is confronted with grave problem like “distrustful relationship between doctors and patients” and “conflict between the positions of doctors and patients.” There is one doctor accused on an average of ten point five days and one convicted every thirty eight point eight days in Taiwan, which making this trade have the highest crime rate in Taiwan. Faced with such enormous damages, the whole income a doctor earns may not be enough for even a piece of medical dispute.


To sum up, all those conditions above which are disadvantage to the doctor are enough to be the reasons why more and more doctors go abroad. If the authorities can’t tackle these potential threats properly, let more hospitals become sweatshops, and compel every doctor be sweat labors. Soon, we might be afraid that there is no doctor to cure disease any more in Taiwan.


Reference data:…/why_taiwan_keeps_doctors_away/…



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