


What is overwork?What is karoshi? How to confirm overwork ? Those questions are worthy to be attached importance to by administrators of a hospital and doctors.


The following is an example of a doctor's overwork case .In april,2009,Dr. Bo-Qiang Cai, aging 35, a 4-year resident in ChiMei hospital, suddenly passed out in the operation room and then was taken to the intensive care unit for first aid. Although he successfully revived, Cai's brain was seriously injured. Therefore, he couldn't be a doctor more and was confirmed an occupational injury. Through a 5-year lawsuit, this case was confirmed a negligence,and the hospital should pay 7.8 million dollars to the doctor,which became the first case of overwork doctors.


Overwork, which indicates a worn out in body and soul, is a reaction caused by long-term exposure to high mental stress. The symptoms and the factors of overwork are sophisticated, and it was usually caused by chronic occupational stress. Overwork and occupational stress is a vital public health issue. Therefore, overwork, karoshi, and chronic fatigue syndrome are occupational health problems seriously taken in a highly industrialized country.


In 1990, Tetsunojo Uehata published the defintion of karoshi in ILO, "Karoshi, which can be translated literally as" death from overwork" in Japanese,is occupational sudden death. The major medical causes of karoshi deaths are heart attack and stroke due to stress and a starvation diet.


According to a statistic conducted by Department of Health, a resident works 74.6 an hour per week on average. However, Federation of Medical Students-Taiwan states that a doctor works 110 to 120 hours a week. How can people who want to receive a medical treatment be at ease if doctors work such long hours?Does the government still pay attention to doctors' quality of work?





 Newspaper special report that surgeon physician overwork a day and work 40-48 hours a week.the National Institutes of Health statistics that physician workload significantly exceeds the workload they can bear.       2014/12/20 United Daily News

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