Doctor's Future

During the months that we worked together to conduct this research, we’d had a lot of interviews with many doctors, and had had studied a huge amount of information. The more we dug into the world of doctors, the more sorrowful facts and stories we began to realize. A career of being a doctor seems to be surrounded by difficulty, which is the reason that some doctors don’t wish their children to follow their footsteps. However, in spite of that, there are still a great number of people regarded becoming a doctor as a lifetime dream. Therefore, to create a better future of doctors becomes an urgent issue.


What is a better future of doctors? That seems to be hard question, but if we persevere, we shall figure out the best answer to it.

Numerous doctors had already pointed out their view toward how to improve what should be improved in the future. Everything will gradually be better, if we refuse to give up.


We have interviewed lots of doctors and referred to plenty of newspapers and magazines. Heavy news about the doctor would be reported nearly every day. Is it truly hard to be a doctor? Even though many physicians don’t hope their children follow in their footsteps, there are still many who want to advance wave upon wave.

Where is doctors’ future? How the national health insurance will be modified? How to gauge the fair medical care cost? What policy the ministry of health and welfare will adopt? Every cloud has a silver lining. We help doctors to find out the answers.


There have been doctors bringing forward some directions in which the future doctors can develop. When doctors treat patients, just like parents take care of children meticulously.. We hope there will be some new blood like Sun Wen and Jiang Wei Shuei participating in the medical college, maintaining humans’ healthy conditions, advancing the quality of people’s life and keeping going on to extend human beings’ lifespan.

