

Doctors is destined to save people. And yet, the national insurance system doesn't think of the difficulty of cultivating a doctor. National Health Insurance claims formal equality. It charges almost the same to go to small clinics or to medical centers. Nevertheless, the cost varies in different regions. Take cardiology and ophthalmology for example. Training time of the former is much longer than the latter. Similarly, the former's risk is higher than the latter's. In fact, the health insurance payments for the two divisions are nearly equal. Accordingly, many doctors tend to choose a low-risk and profitable division.


Furthermore, publicly funded system of doctors is not comprehensive enough. The government forces the publicly funded doctors to choose specific divisions. Also, those doctors are bound to serve in remote regions. This system doesn't considerate the problems of doctors' marriage, family, and their children's education, not to mention the forfeiture of doctor's certification and 10 times of liquidation if the doctor disobey the rule. After all, the system can't deal with the shortages of doctors in remote regions. It is useless for Ministry of Health and Welfare to promote publicly funded system. Young people don't want to be so hard, and they don't want to influence their family, so they usually don't go to serve in remote regions or unpopular division.


Medical dispute is another big problem for doctors. Only when doctors earn enough money can they afford the high medical compensation expenses. NHI cuts down the doctors' income, but the doctors have to afford the risks of medical disputes.

WF Zheng's diagnosis of domestic medical system," The inappropriate-arranged referral is the problem. In other countries, firstly, patients are bound to go to a personal clinic. Secondly, they go to Central Hospital. Finally, they will go to a medical center. Owing to the fare in a medical center 200 dollars more than a personal clinic, patients prefer going to a medical center, while 90 percent of the patients don't need to go to a medical center. Some patients waste the medical resources, which lowers the medical quality."



