Dr.BL Chou

Doctor’s encouragement:

It’s not high salary that matters in such a trade like physician. Instead, what we should be equipped with is great enthusiasm. Keep the meaning of rescue- in mind. Medicine will become service in the future, doctor’s social status won’t that superior like now. Being doctors, we must learn more about the feeling of patient. This way, the dispute rate would decrease.


Educational background:

Taipei First Girls High School,

M.D., National Taiwan University


Motivation for studying in medicine:

I wanted to study in medicine mainly because my family members’ healthy state weren’t very positive Also, the range of service of Family medicine is pretty enormous. It’s more practical for me that I can take care of my family. Furthermore, the service range of Family medicine is from the elder to kids, and I can give the people around me some concrete advices about health.


Family history:

There is no senior studying in medicine in my family. My children is too young to know their will to study in medicine. Just let nature take its course.


Medical practice Unit:

The outpatient of National Taiwan University,

The clinic for employees in United Daily News



Family medicine


Unforgettable case:

There was a patient who was a sale in my clinic, and he had coughed seriously because of long-run smoking. Finally, he quitted smoking successfully and recovered soon.

There was a patient with Dissecting Aneurysm. Even though I judged instantly that the patient needed to be referred, he still died before he reached hospital, which truly shocked me.

There was another patient who suffered from acute myocardial infarction and

It was so painful that he kept sweating. At last, we saved his life because of right instant medical referral.


Doctor’s sweetness:

Patients would give oranges and beet grown by themselves or small present made on their own, which is really affecting. One’s effort will pay off.


Doctor’s bitterness:

Because the work in a clinic doesn’t have vicarism and it’s hard to find someone to take place of, after graduating from NTU, I often had hard work on night duty and ought to go to one district one day such as Jinshan, Shenkeng, Shihting to support the medical condition there. Even if feeling carsick or too tired, there is no one can replace you.
