About Our Team

Name: Yen,Kai-Hsi 

Constellation: Scorpio 

 Interests: Listening to music / Painting 

Participating in this project, I was very impressed.  The most important thing is that during these days of researching, I not only learned a lot but also was given unforgettable memories.

Name: Chen,Yi-An 

Constellation: Sagittarius 

Interests: Reading 

This is my first time to participate in the national cyberfair. To be honest, at first I was a little nervous, but as we went more in-depth understanding of Changhua roundhouse, I was deeply attracted to it. So, I am very glad, and that's really a good memory.

Name: Hsiao,Sheng-Wei

Constellation: Aries 

Interests: Seeing the movies / Listening to music 

From the beginning we knew the cyberfair till now, we have worked hard together.   In short , for us and teachers, the period of researching is very meaningful.  In particular, that time teachers took us to the site investigation , it was really a very good experience.

Name: Cheng,Yu-Ning

Constellation: Aquarius

Interests: Seeing the movies

I am very pleased to participate in this Cyberfair . From which I learned two things: first , the ancients were really brilliant ; Second, we should preserve Changhua roundhouse well, and there will be more people understand the wisdom of our ancestors.

Name: Hsiao,Wei-Ting

Constellation: Leo

Interests: Shopping / Playing video games /Listening to music

I still remembered that morning we visited Changhua roundhouse vividly, especially we interviewed Mr. Lai and Mr.Yen.  The demonstration of fixing locomotives was also very special for me.   That's great! I am surely to join the cyberfair next time.
