The Beauty of Yuanshan
Introducing the beauty and back story of the building of Grand hotel ~~

The Beauty of the Grand Hotel~~The mystery glass door

Name: The floor glass door of the main hall


Name origin:

As soon as arriving at Grand hotel, the first thing shown will be the floor glass door of the main hall. As it is made of glass, therefore it is called floor glass door.


History, change:

Recalling the scene when the Grand hotel was at reconstruction, we can see the conversion of background, and creative ingenuity of the designer.



At entering the main hall, we saw this elegant upright glass door, and we looked carefully, then discovered that the lines on the door seemed to be hiding some ancient words, we thought and thought, guessed and guessed, thinking what on earth those words were, the commissioner told us that those were 6 ancient words of “zhong hua min guo wan sui“ (meaning long live the Republic of China), but we looked backwards, sideways, at an angle, at front, only recognized characters of “zhong”, “hua” and “wan”, the formal one looked like a celestial animal with rabbit body and antlers on the head, the last one looked like a flying dragon, I felt from the bottom of my heart that “Ancient words are really interesting…my eyes! The ancient people were capable of learning those words, not only recognizing but also utilizing, that is really not easy!! Admiration admirations!!”. Quietly hiding “Long live the Republic of China” in such international hotel door, it shows the strong feelings of patriotism and firm goals then. From here, through the glass door, whenever there are festivals or celebrations, the fireworks or just dazzling lights in the night is incredibly beautiful; however, the fireworks won’t stay for long, the characters representing “long live” means forever…just hope that could really spread hundred of years and never fall.


The meaning to the hotel:

The inscribed pattern at the floor glass door, shows the firm policy goals of people then to “Long live the Republic of China”.


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