Hsichou Agricultural Products:
☆ King Orange ★
Ripening Season: Winter
Description: It looks like an orange. You cannot tell what fruit it is from its appearance. When you strip off its skin, a faint scent comes out. It is very juicy and sweet, and is a famous winter fruit in Hsichou.
☆ Red Sugar Cane ★
Ripening Season: January to December
Description: Red sugar cane is a tropical plant, and is categorized in the Hemu Branch. It is a perennial herb. Its stems upright and its skin is dark red. The stem is rich in fiber, juicy, sweet, tender, crispy, fresh and not greasy. The major production areas are in this county is Hsichou Township and Tianzhong Town.
☆ Guava ★
Ripening Season: Year-round
Description: Hsichou guava is big and sweet, and inexpensive. It is fine to send it to friends for gifts or keep them for yourself. You will never forget the taste if you taste it once.
☆ Malaba Chestnut ★
Ripening Season:A whole year
Description: Malaba chestnut tree is also called Fachai tree. It is usually used for landscape decoration, pot culture and bordering trees. It is an important export product for Hsichou.
☆ Flowers ★
Ripening Season: January to December
Description: Beautiful and can be seen in farmlands, too. For the fallow lands of winter, farmers plant coreopsis and rape flowers on the farmland. When the wind blows, the ocean of flowers wave in front of you.
☆ Green Onion ★
Ripening Season: January to December
Description: Green onion is categorized to the Onion Branch. It is perennial ratoon plant. Its underground stem is white; above ground it is green, tubular, and hollow. It has mucus and blooms in the middle of spring and beginning of summer.