Specific Outstanding Deeds of R & D and Innovation

1. The innovation of anthurium cultivation technology has solved the problems of nematodes and pests and diseases.


2. The R & D technology of anthurium species is to be found nowhere else in Taiwan. The cooperation with Gukeng Flower Center in conducting field trials of new species has brought forth the creation of species and cultivation technology.


3. The innovation of cultivation methods is insurmountable.

1st Generation

2nd Generation

3rd generation: Applying for a Patent

Picture 1-10 The Innovating Processes of Soilless Culture
Source of information: The Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

4. Setting up self brand has offered products of the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative their own trademark.

5. The creative design of the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative’s export packaging boxes has patented. The newly-designed boxes are both easy to use and can accommodate more anthuriums, having maritime transportadvantages.Also, the breakthrough in maritime preservation technology helps reduce the costs and enhance thecompetitiveness.

Picture 1-11 The Patent and Trademark
Certificate of the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative’s Trademark and Packaging Box

Source of information: The Green Flower Marketing Cooperative


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