A self-created brand, was granted a trademark certificate by Intellectual Property Office of Ministry of Economy in 2006. Its office issituated in Neimen, Kaohsiung. Whose main product being anthuriums, the duty-warranted Kaohsiung Municipal Green Flower Marketing Cooperative was originally called Kaohsiung County Green Flower Marketing Cooperative. It is a farmers’ group made upsorely of florists. Direct Chair Mr. Lin Ching-shan foresight was, and still is, why the Cooperative chooses anthuriums as its representative to enter into the global market. His reasoning is that anthuriums are a new export favorite of the flower market and thatthe climate in southern Taiwan is suitable for the cultivation of tropical flower anthuriums, having an edge over other cities inrespectof the competitiveness because of anthhurium earlier blooming here. According to Mr. Lin, the purpose of setting up an organizationis toexpand export markets, counsel members of cultivation techniques, and devote to development and research off new species.

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