The main product of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative in recent years has been the new favorite—anthuriums—which is also the ace of exporting market. Their Director Chair, Mr. Lin Ching-shan, points out that the cooperative has seen the gradual in orders since its establishment, which makes the production area less than enough. Thus, they gradually expand and train newly-enrolled employees to cope with the orders. With the florists averaging 35 in age, plantation acreage around 21 hectares, and high quality and stable supply of goods, they were chosen through public appraisal the export demonstration area of anthuriums, thus establishing Neimen as one of the three production areas of anthuriums in Taiwan and bringing in a total of NT$ 120 million output value. Because of this, anthuriums are chosen as the District Flower of Neimen.

Purpose of Establishment

  The purpose of establishment of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative is to serve farmers, take good care of them, and increase their income. Moreover, it is an organization to line with the government agricultural policy to unite small farmers into big ranches, encouraging young people to stay in farming, seeking fortunes together, and sharing happiness. It offers the opportunities to start one’s own business and find employment, which in turn help local Taiwanese go into global market and perpetuate sustainable management, so that the pace of internalization can be secured.

Corporate Mission

  Cooperative is truly a corporate which aides the economic minorities to rely on themselves and to compete with big enterprises on an equal footing. Therefore, these economic minorities can gain the right to obtain a rational allocation of social resources by which narrowing the social gap between rich and poor, achieving social fairness and justice, activating agriculture lands and the rural economy, and finally taking root in Taiwan.

Business Overview of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

  Under the counseling of Agriculture and Food Agency, the business of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative is rocketing. Number of members and capital are seeing its yearly increase. At present, its main business is common choice, common accounting, common pricing, sharing, delivery, and united procurement.

Table 1-1 Profile of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

Title of cooperative

Duty-warranted Kaohsiung Municipal Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

Time of establishment

December 31st, 2004

Address of cooperative

19, Tsaigongkeng, Guangshin Li, Neimen District, Kaohsiung

Telephone/ Fax

07-6673555 / 07-6671415

Members entrance fee

NT$ 10/ per share


NT$ 200 thousand

Total amount of business of cooperative

NT$ 120 million

Current main business

Common choice, common pricing, sharing, delivery, and united procurement

No. of members




7 persons

96 persons

103 persons

Data source:Questionnaire data on Green Flower Marketing Cooperative of the project

Organizational Establishment

  Green Flower Marketing Cooperative now has 103 members, most of whom are farmers of Neimen District. The organizational design subgroups the cooperative into Council, Board of Supervisors, Cashier, Accountant, and Board of Members. Upholding the organization regulations, all the members carry out their assigned duties. The Director Chair is responsible for the coordination among all the sections and management of business operations; Supervisors Chair is in charge of supervising business operations; while Membership Affairs Section is responsible for organizing 1) Council & Board of Supervisors joint meeting once a month; 2) export business review. It will be held three times a year, every April, August, and December; and 3) informal meetings. One will be organized when necessary.

Chart 1-2 Organizational Establishment of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

Data source: Provided by Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

Management Objectives and Strategies

  The business policy of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative is to unite small farmers and turn them into big ranches. (Similar to the operation of that of small-landlord-big-tenant mode) For the cooperative ambition of seeking members’ financial interests and improving their livelihood, the Cooperative is dedicated to strengthen export mechanism, enhancing global competitiveness, drafting management strategies, and undertaking R & D management on production-marketing, finance, and human resources, so as to realize goals of business management.

1. Current-stage Target

  (1) To improve the quality of anthuriums, develop new species, and maintain stable   production.

  (2) To pinpoint current markets with high living standards, such as the USA and Singapore.

  (3) To make agriculture more like enterprises, so that it can offer the  opportunities of starting one’s    own
    business or being employed.

  (4) Planned production, aiming to increase incomes and reduce cost.

  (5) To enlarge management scope and boost turnovers, uniting small farmers  to become big ranches.

2. Development objectives

  (1) To develop potential markets: German is the country which import most flowers, while India is a religious
    country which consume a large quantity of flowers.

  (2) To set up a quality monitoring system, helping the Cooperative members to get international certificates, like
    ISO and MPS.

  (3) To construct an international marketing network for agriculture to promote MIT produces.

  (4) To activate the rural economy, perpetuating everlasting development of anthurium industry in Neimen; to instill
    fresh water into fallow and waste agricultural lands and the poor’s financial difficulties, putting an end to

  (5) To internationalize local MIT industries, hoping to forge Taiwan into an international floral island.

3. Strategies of management

  (1) To become a stable supplier of high quality and quantity.

  (2) To differentiate market demands.

  (3) To open up new markets with well-planned schedules.

  (4) Advertise new species for six months before hitting the market.

  (5) To go with the government promotion and academic research to develop anthurium cultivation industry.

Corporate Social Responsibility

  A responsible corporate in any society should seek profits under the scope of abiding by moral regulations and concepts. Green Flower Marketing Cooperative, embracing the mind of people-closeness, earth-closeness, and love for Kaohsiung, are fighting to make the miracle of “Agricultural Gold” in Neimen. Uniting small farmers to become big ranches, it has been promoting the cultivation of anthuriums to attract the youngsters to start business in their hometown—Neimen—creating a better landscape full of billowing anthuriums, so that their hometown can be glorified.

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