Sampling Investigation and Pragmatic Analysis

  The sample subjects are based on residents of Neimen, where the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative is located. The objects investigated age from 18 to 60, undergoing purposive sampling. We dispatched 100 copies of questionnaires incessantly from Feb. 10th, 2011 through Feb. 20th, 2011. We got 37 valid questionnaires back, with a returned rate of 37%.

1.A Statistical Analysis of Background Information

  From Chart 1-12 and Chart 1-13, we know that in the study, among the valid samples, there were 23 males, accounting for 62%, while there were only 14 females, totaling 37.8%. As a whole, valid samples were mainly from Cooperative members, about 78%. Also number of male members was higher than that of female members, as we can see from Chart 1-14.


Chart 1-12
A Percentage PieChartofSexDistribution



Chart 1-13
A Percentage Pie Chart
of Members istribution


Chart 1-14
A Cross-analysis of Sex and Member Distribution


  Judging from Chart 1-15, most of the interviewees were high school educated, accounting for 44%, followed by college educated, 32%, by graduate school, 11%, and junior high school, 8%. The last of it was elementary school educated. We only got 5%.


  As for age classification, Chart 1-16 shows five age ranges. Age range of 30-39 occupied most of the chart, 38%. Then the 18-29 age range occupied 30%. They were followed by 40-49age range, 24%, 50-59age range, 5%, and 60 years above, 3%, which occupied the least. Overall, members under 39 years of age accounted for more than 68% of the valid sample, totaling 25 persons, as we can see from Chart 1-17. From this, we can safely estimate that the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative’s devotion to uniting small farmers into big farms and encouraging the youth to become farmers have paid off.


Chart 1-15
A Distribution Chart of Educational Levels
Chart 1-16
A Chart of Age Distribution

Chart 1-17

A Cross-analysis

of Age and Member Distribution



  Chart 1-18 shows interviewees’ abode duration in Neimen. Most of them have lived there for more than 16 years, accounting for 67%. The second longer residents have lived there for 11-15 years, 23%. The third 1-5 years, 7%. 3% went to those who lived there for 6-10 years. The ones who lived there under one year were nearly 0%. Furthermore, the occupations of the answerers were various. Most of them had agriculture, fishery, and husbandry as their living means, 37%, followed by self-employment and housekeeping, accounting for 14% respectively. School students occupied 11%, while services sector employees, business workers, and the unemployed respectively got 8% on the chart, as we can see from Chart 1-19. Overall, most interviewees were farmers of the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative and Neimen residents, shown in Chart 1-20.


Chart 1-18
The Time Distribution of living in Neimen

Chart 1-19
A Career
Distribution Chart

Chart 1-20
A Cross-analysis of Career and Member Distribution


2. A Recognition Analysis of Neimen Residents towards the Cooperative’s Establishing Community

  Towards Cooperative-adjacent Media (e.g. journals, newspapers, pamphlets, summoning meetings, holding activities, setting up websites, through emails, broadcasting, commercials), the residents gave definitely positive answers, the percentages were 97%-100%, which meant they were highly satisfied with setting up information media, shown in Chart 1-21. Overall, 5% of the residents got their knowledge about the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative from journals. 16% of them got it from pamphlets. 25% of them relied on surfing the Internet. 23% were from meeting discussions. And 31% of them got the information from District activities. As we can see from Chart 1-22.


Chart 1-21
Towards Cooperative-adjacent Media

Chart 1-22
A Cross-analysis of Neimen Residents Accessing to
Information of Anthuriums Industry



3. An Attitudinal Analysis of Members’ Participating in the Development of Anthuriums Industry


  About the recognition attitude towards taking part in promoting anthuriums industry, this study has found that the items asked were given positive answers and the percentages were all 100%, which means 1) the Cooperative members thought that participating in the Cooperative management was helpful for their anthurium business; 2) the successful production and marketing were beneficial; 3) the Cooperative has lived up to the members’ expectation; 4) the Cooperative offered members their growth and improvement of living standards; and 5) members’ involving in the Cooperative’s management had overall satisfaction towards their anthurium business.



Table 1-7 A Statistics on Attitude of Members from

the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative Participating in Anthuriums Business Development


Question Items



1. In your opinion, joining the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative is helpful to the production and marketing of anthuriums.



2. In your opinion, the Cooperative has been doing well in your production and marketing of the anthuriums.



3. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion lives up to your expectation.



4. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion provides you with profits and growth.



5. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion can improve your living standard.



6. As a whole, participating in the production, marketing, and management proves to be satisfactory.




4. An Analysis on Neimen Residents’ Attitude towards the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative’s  
 Participating in the Development of Anthuriums Industry


  This study shows that Neimen residents held very high satisfaction towards the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative’s Participating in the Development of Anthuriums Industry. Their answers to asked items were high 97% to 100% positive, suggesting that the residents thought that to Neimen District, the Cooperative’s anthuriums industry promotion 1) helped a lot; 2) was successful; 3) boosted local economy; 4) lived up to the residents’ expectation and improved their living standards; and 5) as a whole, they identified with and supported the anthuriums industry.


Table 1-8 A Statistics on Attitude of Members from the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative Participating in Anthuriums Business Development


Question Items



7. In your opinion, the Cooperative is helpful to the promotion of anthuriums industry in Neimen.



8 . In your opinion, the Cooperative is successful in the development of anthuriums industry in Neimen.



9. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums industry will boost the development of local economy.



10. As a whole, you recognize and support the Cooperative’s running and developing anthuriums industry in Neimen.



11. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion lives up to the expectation of Neimen residents.



12. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion can improve the living standards of Neimen residents.




5. An Attitudinal Analysis from Residents of Neimen’s Participating in the Development of
  Anthuriums Industry

  In this section, the residents 1) gave high credits in the two items about the development of Neimen economy and the local media provided by the Cooperative, 100% for both; 2) gave 92%-97% high recognition to both items on strengthening the comradeship among the local residents and identifying more with the land offering you nutrition, showing that members thought participating in the management of the Cooperative was really beneficial; and 3) in the item of involving in the maintenance and promotion of Neimen culture, 59% of the residents checked “No,” meaning there was still room for improvement in the promotion of anthuriums industry.

Table 1-9 A Statistics on Residents Attitude towards Neimen’s Participating in the Development of Anthuriums Industry


Question Items



13. In your opinion, the residents’ enthusiastic involvement in anthuriums industry in crucial to the development of Neimen economy.



14. In your opinion, the local media provided by the Cooperative can effectively help to communicate with Neimen residents.



15. In your opinion, anthuriums promotion as an exquisite agriculture will strengthen the comradeship among the local residents.



16. Promoting anthuriums industry can pass down rural culture, making you identify more with the land offering you nutrition.



17. In your opinion, the Neimen residents are enthusiastically involved in the maintenance and promotion of Neimen culture.



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