The object of our study is called many names. Among them are anthurium flower, flaming plant and flaming lily. It belongs to the family of Araceae. Its place of origin is Columbia. Its stalk is 30-70 cm in height. The configuration of it is like a crane standing upright, shooting its leaves from the stalk. Its flowers sprout from the top, bearing the shape of a heart. According to its types, it falls into four groups: 1) Anthurium andraeanum (i.e., the main source of species of current cut flower cultivation); 2) the cross-breed of A. andraeanum and A. andreacola (dwarf species); 3) A. scherzerianum (the family of wax flower); and 4) some foliage and ornament fruit species. (Chuang, Gen-chang; Chen, Chi-fu; Wang, Chao-ming; Hsie, Ting-fang, 2009)

Picture 2-1 A picture of the anthurium
Source of information: The Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

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