Anthurium Production in Taiwan

  Hot and humid climate, which is typical in central and southern Taiwan, is favored by anthuriums. This makes it superior for Taiwan to excel countries in temperate zone in cultivating them. In Taiwan, anthuriums bloom all year round, with the budding period of three to five months, seeing its peak from April through August. This guarantees the tear-round supply, promoting the competitiveness. According to Agricultural Statistics Yearbook, the planting area of anthuriums in 2009 in Taiwan reached 196 hectares, mostly scattered in ex-Taichung County, Nantou County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, and Pingtung County. The amount harvested was 4,070 dozens. The planting area has been increasing year by year and the production has been improving. Under the combination of industry, official, and university, sound and complete flower seeds supplying system was established and famers’ cultivating techniques were improved, making blight and bug problems under strict control. Moreover, with the advancement of packing, shipping, and picking skills, the cut flower quality and duration of vase arrangement are highly enhanced, which more than doubles customers’ affirmation and preference.

Figure 2-2 A 2009 Statistical Graph on Plantation Areas and Production of Anthuriums in Various Cities and Counties in Taiwan

Source: the above data is derived and adapted from Agricultural Statistics Yearbook Taiwan

Figure 2-3: A 2000—2009 Statistical Graph on Plantation Areas and Yearly Production of Anthuriums in Taiwan

Source: the above data is derived and adapted from Agricultural Statistics Yearbook Taiwan

Figure 2-4: A 2003—2010 Statistical Graph on Yearly Production and Average Price per Piece of Anthuriums in Taiwan

Source: the above data is derived and adapted from Agricultural Statistics Yearbook Taiwan

Anthuriums MIT Marketing around the World

  Recently, for the purpose of challenging the global market, Taiwan’s Anthuriums industry has been undergoing a series of innovation on freshness preserving skills, which conspicuously promotes the quality and creates new values. The production average price per piece of NT$15.13 makes anthuriums one of the mainstays of MIT export cut flowers. Being a major export market, Japan accounted for 551.24 tons (over 10 million pieces), totaling up to $5,694.70 (about 150 million NT dollars) in value. This is really a meteoric rise, at the present having displaced Hawaii and Mauritius to become the biggest supplier of anthuriums to Japan. See Figure 2-6. (Chang, Ken-heng, Hsie, Ting-fang, Chuang, Ken-chang. 2009)


Figure 2-5: Export Value of MIT Anthuriums in 2010

Source: the above data is derived and adapted from Taiwan’s Directorate General of Customs


Figure 2-6: the 2009 Market Share of MIT Anthuriums in Japanese Market

Source: the above data is derived and adapted from Lin, Mao-liang, 2009. P 16

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