A Destitute District Seening Its Prospreity

  Neimen District, Kaohsiung is famous for its Song-Kiang Martial Matrix all around the world. Besides, its anthuriums, like a crane standing out among its peers, are an MIT floral species with global competitiveness. Recently they have attracted people from all ages to plunge in the floral business. Situated in low altitude mountain area, Neimen, cool and soothing, is suitable for cultivating anthuriums. Their high quality has widely attracted consumers’ attention. Originally a poor township, after cultivating anthuriums, Neimen has turned itself into a utopia with energy and vitality. Why don’t you follow our steps to take a tour of Neimen, enjoying its beautiful scenery, charms, and fascination?

Fascination and Charmsof Neimen

  Boarding between Nanhua, Tainan, and Chishan District, Kaohsiung, Neimen was traditionally called the “Luohan Gate” Neimen; while Chishan District was the “Luohan Gate” Waimen. Since “Luohan Gate” is surrounded by erected peaks, the bird’s eye view of “clouds upon ranges of intussusceptions” wonders seem to ordinary eyes that there are several crouching dragons perching, with fluctuating high or low postures wanting to take off. The wonders of “Luohan Gate” make its eight scenes well-known.

1.Purple Bamboos Bringing Spring

  Purple Bamboos Bringing Spring is the center of “Luohan Gate” eight scenes. Back in 1742 (the 7th year of Chienlong Emperor of Ch’ing Dynasty), Navy Admiral Wu Bi-da bypassed “Luohan Gate.” He heard of the divine manifestations of Guanying and Buddha, thus making Purple Bamboos Temple a popular site of worshipers, because of this he made a trip to the temple, offering his worship and giving the temple a horizontal inscribed board with “Purple Bamboos Bringing Spring” incised on it.

2.Seven Stars Plunging to the Ground

  Seven Stars Plunging to the Ground is situated to the north of Seven Stars Ocean, which is an expanse of plain with seven earth mounds scattering on it. Because its configuration looks like seven-star arrangement in the sky, our forefathers thus called it “Seven Stars Ocean.” The management committee of the temple built a 4-meter light tower among the seven earth mounds. Later they installed lights on the tower, making it much more mysterious.

3.Tiger Cave Begetting the Wind

  Tiger Cave Begetting the Wind, locally called Tiger Head Mountain, is situated to the east of Neidong Village. Its majestic terrain looking like a tiger head, thus some people call it a tiger cave, comparing it with Dragon Pond Spitting Fog of the Dongpu Village. Since its three sides are surrounded by water, its scenery is really picturesque. Regarded by some Feng Shui Masters as a great site for cemetery, it is now the Seven Public Graveyard of Neimen District. Tiger Head Mountain was thus named by our ancestors back in Ch’ing Dynasty according to its tiger head configuration. Later, some learned literary master changed it to the elegant name “Tiger Cave Begetting the Wind.

4.Silver Screen Offering Prosperity

  Offering Prosperity is situated to the south of Rueishan Village. Because its mountain shape looks like a gold ingot, it was also called Silver Ingot Mountain. Later their posterity, perceiving the horse head shape of the mountain, called it Horse Head Mountain. At the horse tail, fountain stream comes out all year round. Because of the smell of horse urine of the fountain water, some people call it horse urine. Horse Head Mountain is the southernmost mountain ridge of Neimen District, acting as a natural screen.

5.Dragon Pond Spitting Fog


  Dragon Pond Spitting Fog is situated at the southeast of Dongpu Village. In the origin of Dragon Pond (also called Dragon Well or Dragon Pond Ditch), a small waterfall, plunging from above, forms a big water pond at the bottom of the valley. The pond is deep, the green water has blue, the surroundings are azure forest, and the mountain configuration takes the shape of a gigantic dragon, all of which sandwiches the hills like dragon paws folding together and thus deriving the name of “Dragon pond.” On rainy, windy, or cold mornings, from the middle of the pond come up wisps of foggy white steam.

6.The General Standing Upright

  The General Standing Upright is situated at the central north of Neinan Village and the south of Gengchoulun, separated by Ertsenghang Stream (also Erren Stream), distantly facing Purple Bamboos Bringing Spring; at the south of it, Horse Head is not far away. Its shape was so gorgeous and looked so much like a brave general that people called it “General Mountain.” Originally the “General Mountain” was green and lush all year round, offering residents there beautiful scenery. But later on, because of over agricultural cultivation and harvesting, the natural landscapes were destroyed, which was really a shame. Now the “General Mountains” serves as fuel tank storage for the Army.

7.Stone Gate Towering in the Green


  Stone Gate Towering in the Green is situated at the center of Shikeng Village and the north of Neifengtzi. A line of north-south natural volcanic rocks is cut through here by Dongmen Stream, forming a shape like stone gate. Thus, the ancestors in Ch’ing Dynasty gave it the name “Shimen (Stone Gate).” At that time Shimen was covered with plantation, offering picturesque scenery, which was why it was named “Stone Gate Towering in the Green” by learned scholars.

8.Golden Chair Sitting Alone

  “Golden Chair Sitting Alone” is situated at northeaster of Neinan Village, commonly known as “Golden Chair.” It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with its center concaving, looking like a golden chair. The convex mountain ridge looks like the armrest, and the concave valley looks like a seat; its two sides are arms and the back is firm and solid. Our ancestors, for this reason, in Ch’ing Dynasty gave it the name of “Golden Chair Sitting Alone” because of its specific landscape.

9.Highland 308 Seeing Afar

308高地   Tsaoshang (Grassy Hill) Moon World of Neimen District, bordering Tzuocheng Township and Longchi Township of Tainan County, because of its latitude of 308 meters, is commonly known as Highland 308, also called Wanggao (Lookout) Hut by the locals. Because its 308 meters is the highest in the neighborhood, people can ascend its belvedere to appreciate the unblocking view of Tsaoshang Moon World and Chia-Nan Plain, reaching even far to Tainan shoreline when the sky is clear. The commanding view of Highland 308 makes it easy to perceive the rough landscape of green limestone, the peculiar landscapes, the fluctuating mountains in the neighborhood, and lush forests all at a time, enjoying its beautiful scenery to the full. The best time of day to appreciate Highland 308 is five PM and around sunset. At the daybreak the mountains are permeated with clouds and fogs, giving people the feeling of being surrounded by a sea of clouds; whereas at the sunset the sky is filled with pink clouds, adding luster to each other. After a bout of rain, the earth heat evaporates the water particles and then causes the mountain airs to spiral the mountains, giving the feeling that the mountains are floating in the nothingness of wonderland. The daybreak, sunset, and night views here always make people linger and reluctant to go home.

10.Kuangming Suspense Bridge

  Kuangming Suspend Bridge in Purple Bamboos Temple spans 195 meters, with its width 1.8 meter. This steel-structured suspense bridge is aimed to shape local image. Glass tile huts and belvederes are installed on either side, supplementing with night-time lighting, to offer the chance for visitors to ascend to the high point to enjoy the scenes of Neimen.

11.Song-Kiang Martial Matrix

  Song-Kiang Martial Matrix is a matrix-arrangement art of deep local roots. Neimen has complete folk matrix-arrangement arts, among which Song-Kiang Martial Matrix is known far and wide. Song-Kiang Martial Matrix, a local armed group in earlier times, is popular in agricultural societies south of Chia-Nan Plain. According to the legend, it came from the martial matrices of Koxinga’s military trainings, becoming the security forces of folk guards. When performing, Song-Kiang Martial Matrix performers use gongs, drums, and cymbals as main instruments, complementing with divine spells glued on their weapons to prevent their partners from getting hurt, which also serves the functions of clearing the way, bane lifting, and curbing and expelling evils.

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