Agricultural Products

  Besides anthuriums, the following three are among the most popular agricultural products of Neimen:


1. Longans

  Longans are the bulkiest agricultural products of Neimen District, with a nationwide fame of quantity and quality. Farmers have spared no efforts improving species quality, making longan trees produce bigger and sweeter fruits with more pulps and smaller pits. Longan species are various. According to the features, farmers classify them into Red Skin, Green Skin, Pink Skin, Prosperity, Pineapple, Large Leaf, and Point Leaf. Among them, Red Skin fruit is the crispest and sweetest.


2. Peanut Candy

  Peanut Candy of Neimen has been known for decades. Its features are fragrant, crisp, tasty, and moderately sweet. The best part of it is that it won’t stick to teeth, insurmountable by other brands. Recently, the producer has moved along with the trend to develop new flavors, among which sesame, sweet potato, green bean, gongtang (tribute candy), and crisp peanut candy.


3. Universal Sweet Potatoes

  Though looking like sweet potatoes in appearance, universal sweet potatoes are unusual in their efficacy. Universal sweet potatoes, besides being capable of detoxifying, being helpful to digestion, and easing swelling, they are also good for curing gastric ulcer, liver disease, cholesterol disorder, constipation, acne problem, and pesticide poisoning. The wonderful curing efficacy and variety of related products, such as tinctured universal sweet potato, universal sweet potato powder, medicinal cream, and health vinegar, making the mass media report the news like hell one after another.


The Hometown of Touring Chefs

  Well-said the proverb, “Hunger breeds discontent.” Neimen, a mountainous area with little water and poor soil, used to be a farming-difficult region, forcing its residents to look for other businesses to make their living. Moreover, since participating in martial matrix used to be a common practice in Neimen, to match the yearly training timing of this activity, the matrix leaders always arranged snacks or food in a large wok to reward the efforts of the members. Gradually, originally coarse and simple rice soup, fried noodles, rice noodles turned into feats prepared by the touring chefs. And caterings for weddings, funerals, and jubilant occasions encouraged the prosperity of touring chef business, thus making catering a co-business of Neimen.

Picture data source:Wikipedia. (2012;Kaohsiung City in the area within the community (2012);  Infineon PR consultant company limited. (2011);Chun a surname multimedia. (2011)




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