This study adopts a research method combining Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research, hoping to investigate the management features and developmental traces of a specific cooperative, as well as excavating the deep meaning of the forming process of local anthurium industry. To reach the goal of this study, Literature Method and Survey method are employed to establish research structure.

Literature Method

  Related journals, papers, and books about the present production-marketing of flowers, production-marketing features of anthuriums, the features of management of the cooperative, and the theories and research findings of willingness of floral consumption and purchasing attitudes of the consumers are checked and investigated. In addition, to complement the existing literatures, we surf the Internet to locate relevant information. After we tidy it up and add it to our databank of management of anthurium industry, smoothing our establishment of the research structure.

Survey Method

  This study picks out two strategies to do research on the selection of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative: 1) Interview Survey Method. Qualitative Research is used to carry out on-the-site interviews, interviewing current management of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative, outlet management, and flower selling industry, so as to understand the management characteristics of production, marketing, promotion, or other situations through investigating the current management situations of Green Flower Marketing Cooperative; 2) Questionnaire Survey Method. To reach the set goals of the study, we dispatch questionnaires to cooperative employees and Neimen residents to find out their attitudes towards the opinions and participation satisfaction on local cooperative undertaking anthurium industry promotion.

Scope of the Study and Study Subjects

  Scope of the study is twofold: 1) testees from Green Flower Marketing Cooperative: the management personnel from Green Flower Marketing Cooperative; 2) satisfaction questionnaires testees on anthurium industry promotion: cooperative employees from Green Flower Marketing Cooperative and Neimen residents. As for the selection of interviewees, we divide it into flower production-marketing organization personnel and Neimen residents. The former is further grouped into organization of place of origin and organization of in-between outlets; while the latter is also broken up into users, buyers, and ordinary consumers. See Table 1-2 for the information of interview subjects and their requirements.

Table 1-2: The Requirements of Interview Subjects

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