Green Flower Maketing Cooperative

  Mr. Lin Ching-shan, previously the first section leader of Flower Production and MarketingSquad, Neimen. In response to the problems of global demand and unstable supply when entering WTO, he proposed to set up an organization in accordance with the first provisions of the Cooperative Law. According to the principle of equality and on the basis of cooperation, a co-managed business organization was established, using uni-channel to do its business activities of producing and marketing anthuriums. And under the cooperative concept of seeking the members interests and improving their livelihood, a preparatory committee was formed to call together florists with the same beliefs, thus beginning the preparation of Kaohsiung County Green Flower Marketing Cooperative’s coming into being.

  With not a few hard times in enlisting members and collecting share money, Mr. Lin and others, conforming to Provision 2-1 of the Cooperative Law, submitted their application forms to the ex-Kaohsiung County Government asking for the setting up of duty-warranted Kaohsiung County Green Flower Marketing Cooperative in 2004.

The Story of Birth

  On December 31st, 2004, the ex-Kaohsiung County Government approved the establishment of duty-warranted Kaohsiung County Green Flower Marketing Cooperative. That was the birth of the Cooperative. Its address was, and still is, Tsaigongkeng, Guangshin Li, Neimen District, Kaohsiung. The assigned duties of the members were based on their stock shares holdings and deposits paid. At the first representative general assembly, Mr. Lin Ching-shan was elected the first Director Chair of the Cooperative, which marked the official business running of the Cooperative. The purpose of establishing the Cooperative was to fully extend its business to the export market, to counsel the members of the cultivation techniques, and, going with the ratings of Anthurium Export Demonstration Area in the future, to undertake construction planning.

  The most outstanding feature of the Cooperative is that it provides the local florists with job opportunities and helps them with planning and production. Then the uni-channel of the Cooperative takes up the operation to do the contracting of farming with foreign customers. The right to operate is co-owned by its customer group as a whole. (That is to say, the farmers who use its products, sales channel, and services.) Farmers, producers, workers, and consumers find that they, through the Cooperative, can reach their mutual goal through its economic efficacy. Thus, they join the Cooperative one after another, proving that the Cooperative is really helpful to the vulnerable members of our society.

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