The Green Flower Marketing Cooperative has stable production yield and quality products, making it a global brand.


1. Original Species

 At present, the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative owns various shades of more than 20 different species. Among them are Dream, Emerald, Trinidad, and Cranberry. After critically selecting Japanese favorite color shades such as Dream and Emerald and the ones that are well-adapted to Neimen environment through seedling culture, they are mass planted.













Flower Fairy








Explorer Sunrise


Tai Chi

Green Heart







Picture 1-5 The Original Anthurium Species of the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative
Source of information: The Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

In the following are more than 10 species cultivated by the Cooperative members which are remained unnamed. The R & D and seedling nursery are nowhere else to be found in Taiwan.

Picture 1-5 Unnamed Anthurium Species Cultivated by the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative
Source of information: The Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

Marketing Outlets

  The Green Flower Marketing Cooperative exports 85% of its products, making it an export-oriented local business with uniqueness. It joined the Export Demonstration area in 2008.

 1. Major Markets

  The anthuriums produced by Taiwan mainly go to Japan. 6.53 million MIT anthuriums were exported too Japan in 2006, accounting for 57% of the anthuriums imported by Japan of the year. Ammong the above-mentioned number, 1.75 million pieces were from the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative, which was 26% of the Taiwan-exported anthuriums. Being a successful business, the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative becomes a benchmark of local anthuriums industry. (Hsiao, Tzi-rong, 2009)

2. Target Markets

  High-income-high-consumption countries like America and England are mostly located in temperate or boreal regions. Basically, anthuriums are not grown in these countries. If they are, it is for the use of experiment. Selling anthuriums to these countries won’t really cause any harmful impact to the florists. Furthermore, there are fewer restrictions on disease inspection. If you get a place there, you won’t be replaced easily, ensuring a sustainable management for the anthuriums industry.

3. Potential Markets

  We are planning to put our hands on some potential markets such as Macao, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Dubai, and coastal areas of Mainland China.

Common Distribution

1. Co-selection, Co-tallying and Co-utility

  Because the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative has gained good fame on its quality anthuriums, participating in the auction in the Cooperative’s brand can always get a good price in the auction market. Besides local Neimen florists, there are some other florists from other towns joining the Cooperative under its brand. These florists are attracted by the Cooperative and shipped their anthuriums to it for common distribution. To ensure the play of common distribution function and the reach of high quality unification and standardization, the Cooperative worked with the government to set up grading and packing regulations for bulk cut flowers, promote the practices of co-selection and co-tallying. And, to improve marketing efficiency and share the existing production and sales equipment or facilities, a loading dock with refrigeration equipment was installed.

2. Shipping-and-marketing Management

  When carrying out shipping-and-marketing management, there are some other things to be considered so that they can coordinate. First of all, you have to pick out the best delivery route to save time. Then, you have to decide the best transport fleet size to save management cost.

  There are two routes for MIT anthuriums. The one follows the “producers→self-sellers or production-marketing organizations→wholesale markets→retailers and wholesalers→retail flower shops→consumers” route, which gets a rather high percent of usage; while the other takes the “producers→self-sellers or production-marketing organizations→
Taipei Flower Market→export→overseas markets” route, which gets less attention and usage.

Chart 1-7 An Association Graph of Taiwan’s Flower Production and Distribution System
Source of information: Chung, Guo-cheng (p. 10, 2006)



  1. To attend overseas trade shows to expand into new markets.
  2. To unite with Taiwan’s tourism and leisure activities.
  3. To go with the agricultural policies, actively promote the globalization of agricultural products.
  4. To set up an information flow based on industry-university cooperation:

    (1)Promoting the place of origin certificate system with Professor Hsie Ching-lu in 2006.

    (2)Promoting the product automation project with Professor Hsie Guang-wen from National Chung Hsing University in 2006.



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