Meeting Minutes


First meeting    

Time: 2013/9/19
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin, parents of all team members

  • Introduction to the Cyberfair 
  • Discussion about key points of the research theme
  • Assignment: propose two research themes by next week
  • Setting guidelines of recording meeting minutes

Second meeting    

Time: 2013/10/3
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Decide the project theme: Red on Tree.
  • Division of work: leader: Shu-han, deputy leader: Yin-cheng, recorder: Tsai-chen , blog: Tsung-chun, photography: Jie-sheng.
  • Assignment: submit self-introduction by next week
  • Discuss details of interview with the owner of Red on Tree by next week

Third meeting    

Time: 2013/10/17
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Discuss the team name
  • Draft the research framework by mind maps
  • View the winning websites from previous years
  • Confirm the date of interview with the owner of Red on Tree to be 10/31

Fourth meeting    

Time: 2013/10/24
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Instruction on the use of NeoImaging
  • Discuss team members’ mind maps
  • Assignment: submit two questions for the owner of Red on Tree by next week
  • Confirm the date of factory-visit

Fifth meeting    

Time: 2013/11/7
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  •  Blog website:
  • Vote the team name: Fruit mogu / Fruit Troopers / Taiwanese Fruit Farmers / Fresh Fruit Rangers / Formosan Masked Civet / The Good Flavors of Taiwan’s Fruit
  • Voting result: Formosan Masked Civet
  • Assignment: revise mind maps and submit new one by next week
  • Assignment: complete the interview outline for Red on Tree and afterthoughts by next week

Sixth meeting    

Time: 2013/11/27
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Complete the afterthoughts of factory visit
  • Confirm the date of orchard visit (star fruit and strawberry)
  • Essay writing seminar
  • Assignment: submit the interview questions for orchard owners by next week

Seventh time    

Time: 2013/12/5
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Confirm details of factory visit
  • Essay writing seminar
  • Practice Dreamweaver
  • Meeting suspended for next week; resume the meeting on 12/19.

Eighth meeting    

Time: 2013/12/19
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Assignment: submit the afterthoughts on the factory visit by next Monday
  • E-book on jam making: Tsung-chun for cover design; Jie-sheng for content and sketching;  Hui-yu for software editing
  • Practice Dreamweaver
  • Assignment: collect information on Red on Tree by next meeting.

Ninth meeting    

Time: 2014/1/6
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Confirm the date of orchard visit(guava and figs)
  • Practice Dreamweaver
  • Draft the interview outline for orchard owners
  • Meeting suspended for next week

Tenth meeting    

Time: 2014/1/23
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Assignment: submit the afterthoughts on the orchard visits (guava and fig) by next Monday
  • Assignment: submit interview reports of farmers by Next Monday
  • Practice Dreamweaver
  • Update articles of the blog
  • Discussions and sharing of the materials of Red on Tree
  • Confirm the time of interview with Ms. Yeh and the owner of PEKOE

Eleventh meeting    

Time: 2014/2/13
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Review previous interviews
  • Confirm details of interview with Ms. Yeh and the owner of PEKOE
  • Update articles of the blog
  • Practice NeoImaging
  • Webpage design: deciding on the color combination

Twelfth meeting    

Time: 2014/2/27
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Assignment: submit interview questions for Ms. Yeh and the owner of PEKOE by next Monday
  • Practice NeoImaging
  • Discuss campus promotional activities

Thirteenth meeting    

Time: 2014/3/13
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Assignment: submit interview afterthoughts on Ms. Yeh and the owner of PEKOE by next Monday
  • Assignment: submit the interview reports by 3/23
  • Discuss details about school anniversary event on 4/2: charity bazaar and division of work
  • Determine the theme of campus promotion activity: food safety and certification labels
  • Discuss our book recommendation for school library

Fourteenth meeting    

Time: 2014/3/29
Place: Hui-yu’s house
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Hui-yu’s mother, Yin-cheng’s mother, Tsai-chen’s mother, Tsung-chun’s mother

  • Make posters for charity bazaar
  • Rehearsal for the food safety seminar
  • Search for webpage background music
  • Pack fruits and jams for charity bazar

Fifteen meeting    

Time: 2014/4/8
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Assignment: submit the afterthoughts on the charity bazar by next Monday
  • Assignment: submit the afterthoughts on the seminar by 4/18
  • Prepare materials for Social Studies Fair on 4/9
  • Prepare our book recommendation list for library display on 4/16
  • Discuss details about interview with Professor Lo at National Taiwan University
  • Assignment: submit the interview questions for Professor Lo by this Sunday

Sixteenth meeting    

Time: 2014/5/1
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Confirm date of interview with the Department of Economic Development
  • Assignment: submit the interview questions for the above interview by this Saturday
  • Confirm date of visit to the laboratory of the Department of Health
  • Assignment: submit the interview questions for the above visit by next Saturday
  • Assignment: submit the interview reports on Ms. Lo by tomorrow

Seventeenth meeting    

Time: 2014/5/29
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Assignment: submit the interview reports on the Department of Economic Development by this Saturday
  • Discuss background music selection

Eighteenth meeting    

Time: 2014/6/13
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Determine webpage background music: “Good to Be A Farmer”
  • Discuss webpage titles
  • Review contents of webpage by sections

Nineteenth meeting    

Time: 2014/6/27
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Background music choir practice
  • Assignment: submit all titles for the whole webpage
  • Select activity photos



Twentieth meeting    

Time: 2014/9/4
Place: Digital center
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Confirm section titles of the webpages
  • Review contents and photos of each section
  • Build webpage by Dreamweaver

Twenty-first meeting    

Time: 2014/9/18
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Edit project narrative page
  • Assignment: complete the content of each section by next meeting
  • Webpage making by Dreamweaver

Twenty-second meeting    

Time: 2014/10/2
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Edit project narrative page
  • Arrange one more visit to Red on Tree for data collection
  • Webpage making by Dreamweaver

Twenty-third meeting    

Time: 2014/10/14
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Discuss details about interview with school lunch committee
  • Complete project narrative page
  • Webpage making by Dreamweaver

Twenty-fourth meeting    

Time: 2014/10/30
Place: IT classroom
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Confirm details about interview with school lunch committee, Ms. Li
  • Completes English version by end of November
  • Webpage making by Dreamweaver

Twenty-fifth meeting    

Time: 2014/11/13
Place: Digital center
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Assignment: submit interview report on Ms. Yu-hua Li by this Saturday
  • Book recording studio
  • Webpage making by Dreamweaver

Twenty-sixth meeting    

Time: 2014/11/27
Place: Digital center
Attendees: Shu-han, Yin-cheng, Tsai-chen, Tsung-chun, Jie-sheng, Hui-yu, Wei-tze, Mr. Lin

  • Final editing of background music
  • Proofreading all articles
  • Webpage making by Dreamweaver

Formosan Masked Civet, Taipei Fuhsing Private School, Taiwan © 2015 Cyber Fair
(Best viewed at a screen resolution of 1280x1024 pixels)