Music Recording


Recording Background Music — “Good to be a Farmer”

A memorable movie always comes with a memorable song. Visual images lose its appeal if without music. It is also true with webpages. Vivid description and lively picture only become wonderful works with touching music.

Our project them is Red on Tree, which represents the local agriculture, the hardship of local farmers, and the blessings from this fertile land. Among many folk songs, we chose “Good to be a Farmer,” a long-time popular song in Taiwan, to be our theme song.


With a simple tune and down-to-earth lyrics, this song well conveys the vigor of local agriculture. We sung this song with the accompaniment of the violin and tambourine. At first, our singing sound was not harmonious. After repeated practice, and memory of the persistence of Red on Tree, the hardship of the farmers, and our affection, we began to sing harmonious. We hope that reading our webpage and listening to the song would be a pleasant experience for all readers.

Formosan Masked Civet, Taipei Fuhsing Private School, Taiwan © 2015 Cyber Fair
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