Promotion in the Library


After several interviews and data collection, we have more understanding about food safety. Facing the current food safety crises, we feel an urge to promote such knowledge in school. Hence we conducted seminars and set up a thematic “good books sharing” platform in order to promote food-safety books and publications.


We collected available publications concerning food safety and handmade jams, and produced three posters. Our goal was to educate the students about food safety and enrich their knowledge on food safety with books. Our posters included three aspects: i.) organic/ toxin-free agriculture, ii.) the secret to Taiwaness fruit, and iii.) food safety certification labels. As to publications, we selected the following books: Ten Horrible Food Additives, Very Organic, Four-Season Fruit Jams, Marvelous Tasting, This Is Jam!, and Eat With Ease and Safety. We hope that the students can have a better understanding of food safety after reading these books.


Our display successfully caught students’ attention, and some of them took time to look at our posters and the books displayed in the library. The teachers at the library told us that the students loved our display, and the relevant books have been borrowed at a higher borrowed rate. We knew that we made a little contribution to promoting food safety on our campus.

Formosan Masked Civet, Taipei Fuhsing Private School, Taiwan © 2015 Cyber Fair
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