Questionnaire Survey


Cyberfair project questionnaire

Thank you for taking time to fill out this questionnaire on Taiwanese fruits.
Your help can make our research more comprehensive.

Basic data:
Gender: Male  Female     
Grader: 1st grader  2nd grader  3rd grader  4th grader  5th grader  6th grader


We retrieved 100 questionnaires, including 40% female students and 60% male students:

  • 6th grader: 44% female students; 56% male students
  • 5th grader: 31% female students; 69% male students


1. Do you eat fruits regularly?  Yes  No

  • Among all respondents, 95% eat fruits regularly, and only 5% do not eat fruits regularly; this suggests that most students eat fruits regularly.
  • Among female respondents, 92% eat fruits regularly, and 8% do not eat fruits regularly; among male respondents, 97% eat fruits regularly, and 3% do not eat fruits regularly; therefore, compared to female students, more male students eat fruits regularly.
  • All 5th graders eat fruits regularly; as for 6th graders, few male students and female students do not eat fruits regularly; the reason may be that 6th graders have heavy study load, thus they have little time to eat fruits.

2. Do you replace fruits with ready-made juice?  Yes  No

  • Most of students do not replace fruits with ready-made juice: 78% as “No”; 22% as “Yes”.
  • Compared to 5th graders, more 6th graders do not replace fruits with juice: 6th grader (81% as “No”; 19% as “Yes”); 5th grader (72% as “No” and 28% as “Yes”). The reason may be that the 6th graders are more aware that ready-made juice cannot replace fruits.
  • Compared to female students, more male students choose not to replace fruits with juice: male students (83% as “No”; 17% as “Yes”); female students (70% as “No”; 30% as “Yes”).

3. Do you replace fruits with multi-vitamin?  Yes  No

  • Most of students do not replace fruits with vitamins: 82% as “No”; 18% as “Yes”.
  • Compared to 5th graders, more 6th graders choose to replace fruits with vitamins; 6th grader (81% as “No”; 19% as “Yes”); 5th grader (84% as “No”; 16% as “Yes”). The reason may be that the 6th graders are busy with schoolwork and have little time to eat fresh fruits compared to 5th graders.
  • Compared to female students, male students are less likely to replace fruits with vitamins: male students (85% as “No”; 15% as “Yes”); female students (77% as “No”; 23% as “Yes”).

4. Do you think that canned fruit is equal to fresh fruit?  Yes  No  I don’t know

  • Most of students think that the canned fruit is not fruit: 87% as “No”; 4% as “Yes”; 9% as “I don’t know”.
  • Compared to 5th graders, more 6th graders think that the canned fruit is fruit; 6th grader (86% as “No”; 4% as “Yes”; 10% as “I don’t know”); 5th grader (91% as “No”; 3% as “Yes”; 6% as “I don’t know”).
  • As for 5th graders, compared to male students, more female students think that the canned fruit is not fruit: female students (100% as “No”); male students (86% as “No”; 5% as “Yes”; 9% as “I don’t know”).
  • On the contrary, as for 6th graders, more male students think that the canned fruit is not fruit: female students (83% as “No”; 7% as “Yes”; 10% as “I don’t know”); male students (86% as “No”; 3% as “Yes”; 11% as “I don’t know”).

5. How often do you eat fruits?  Everyday  4~5 times per week  2~3 times per week  Occassionaly

  • Among 5th graders, more male students eat fruits everyday compared to female students (male students as 81%; female students as 45%); the reason may be that the parents of male 5th graders would remind their children to eat fruits everyday.
  • Relatively, among 6th graders, more female students eat fruits everyday (female students as 73%; male students as 61%); the reason may be that the female 6th graders believe that eating fruits is good for heath and look.
  • Compared to 6th graders, more 5th graders eat fruits everyday (5th grader as 71%; 6th grader as 66%); the reason may be that the 6th graders have heavy schoolwork and little time, thus they do not eat fruits everyday.

6. What is the best feature of Taiwan fruits? 
  Fresh and delicious  Inexpensive and cost-effective  Safe and sanitary  Accessible and convenient

  • As for 5th graders, 63% think that Taiwan fruit is “Fresh and delicious”, 21% think that Taiwan fruit is “Safe and sanitary”, 9% think that Taiwan fruit is “Accessible and convenient”, and 7% think that Taiwan fruit is “Inexpensive and cost-effective”.
  • As for the 6th graders, 55% think that Taiwan fruit is “Fresh and delicious”, 17% think that Taiwan fruit is “Accessible and convenient”, 15% think that Taiwan fruit is “Inexpensive and cost-effective”, and 13% think that Taiwan fruit is “Safe and sanitary”.
  • Both 5th graders and 6th grader think that the best feature of Taiwan fruit is “Fresh and delicious”.
  • However, the 5th graders think that “Safe and sanitary” and “Accessible and convenient” are the best features of Taiwan fruit compared to “Inexpensive and cost-effective”; on the contrary, the 6th graders think that “Accessible and convenient” and “Inexpensive and cost-effective” are the best features of Taiwan fruit compared to “Safe and sanitary”.

7. What is your favorite fruit among the following four famous fruits in Taiwan?
   Guava  Ponkan  Banana  Pineapple

  • Both male students and female students have the same preference order: male students (Banana as 43%; Guava as 28%; Ponkan as 16%; Pineapple as 13%); female students (Banana as 34%; Guava as 32%; Ponkan as 27%; Pineapple as 7%). The reason may be that the “Banana” can be easily and conveniently eaten, but it is most troublesome to eat pineapple.
  • The female 5th graders prefer ponkan, and their preference order is: Ponkan as 41%; Banana as 25%; Guava as 17%; Pineapple as 17%.
  • The male 6th graders prefer banana, and the preference order is: Banana as 46%; Guava as 26%; Ponkan as 16%; Pineapple as 12%.

8. It is recommended to eat five kinds of vegetables and fruits everyday; how many kinds of vegetables and fruits
    you eat everyday on average? 
    Five  Four  Three  Two  Less than two

  • The female 5th graders and 6th grader eat three kinds of vegetables and fruits at most (5th grader as 34%; 6th grader as 33%).
  • The male 5th graders eat five kinds of vegetables and fruits at most (32%), and the male 6th graders eat two kinds of vegetables and fruits at most (32%); the reason may be that the 6th graders have heavy schoolwork and little time, thus they eat less vegetables and fruits.
  • However, as 5th graders and 6th graders are in a growing-up age, they should pay more attention to the kinds of vegetables and fruits they eat.

9. What are your main concerns when buying fruits? (multiple choice)
    Organic  Toxic-free  Freshness  GAP label  Price  Packaging  Variety  Place of origin

  • Most of female 5th graders first consider “Freshness” when buying fruits (Freshness as 25%; Organic, Toxic-free and Price as 15%); most of male 5th graders also give priority to “Freshness” (Freshness as 23%; Organic as 19%; Place of origin as 15%).
  • Most of female 6th graders first consider “Freshness” when buying fruits (Freshness as 27%; Organic as 15%; Toxic-free as 14%); most of male 6th graders also give priority to “Freshness” (Freshness as 23%; Organic as 20%; Toxic-free and Price as 15%).
  • It can be known that the “Organic” and “Pon-toxic” are considered more important as the students grow older.

10. Would you buy organic or toxic-free fruits that are more expensive?
      Certainly  Mostly  Maybe  Possibly not  Absolutely not

  • As for 5th graders or 6th graders, more male students choose “Certainly” (male 5th graders as 36%; female 6th graders as 20%; male 6th graders as 30%; female 6th graders as 27%). 
  • Among female senior students, most of them choose “Mostly” (37%).
  • Among male senior students, most of them choose “Maybe” (38%).

11. Have you heard of Red on Tree?  Yes  No  I don’t know

  • Most of students have not heard of Red on Tree before: 57% as “No”; 28% as “Yes”; 15% as “I don’t know”.
  • Compared to 5th graders, more 6th graders have heard of Red on Tree: 6th grader (56% as “No”; 31% as “Yes”; 13% as “I don’t know”); 5th grader (60% as “No”; 31% as “Yes”; 9% as “I don’t know”). The reason may be that the 6th graders have more chances to encounter organic shops than 5th graders do.
  • Compared to female students, more male students have heard of Red on Tree: male students (57% as “No”; 33% as “Yes”; 10% as “I don’t know”); female students (57% as “No”; 28% as “Yes”; 15% as “I don’t know”).

12. What is your favorite Red on Tree product?
      Jam  Fruit drops  Fresh fruits  Tea

  • As for female 5th graders, their favorite Red on Tree product is “Fresh fruit” and “Fruit drops” (33%); however, as for female 6th graders, their favorite product is “Jam” (39%).
  • As for male 5th graders, their favorite Red on Tree product is “Fresh fruit” (64%); however, as for male 6th graders, their favorite product is “Fruit drops” (42%).
  • In conclusion, as for both male and female senior students, their favorite Red on Tree product is “Fresh fruit”, suggesting that “Fresh fruit” is a popular Red on Tree product to children.

Thank you again for your support and assistance.
We hope that all of us can pay attention to food safety and create an organic and toxic-free environment.


Formosan Masked Civet, Taipei Fuhsing Private School, Taiwan © 2015 Cyber Fair
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