Tsai-lang Chiang

  • 2006 Shennong Award (Top Ten Farmers)
  • Owner, Yuan Yi Guava Orchard
  • Chief, No. 1 Guava Marketing Cooperative, Yuanlin Township
  • President, Nantung Community Development Association
  • Representative of Changhua County Yuanlin Farmers' Association
  • President, Changhua Jienong Association
Fruit Masters


3) Yuan Yi Guava Orchard

Location: Yuan Yi Guava Orchard
Time: January 18, 2014

Q1. Why do you choose to grow guava? Have you planted other fruits? (Shu-han)
A1. I like guava, because I see guava as my children. I take care of my guava attentively, and feel the joy when I see them grow. While I was young, I engaged in other occupation. As my father became older, he needed more help, so I came back to give him a hand. Then, I fell in love with farming and especially in guava. I have planted longan, star fruit, and pineapple before 1940s; later, I focus on guava.

Q2. How do you plant guava? (Jie-sheng)
A2. The guava can be harvested all year round, unlike pineapple, watermelon, and longan that can be only harvested once a year. As summer is the main fruit harvest season, I let guava trees to rest, and harvest in fall and winter. So the guava has better quality and can sell for a higher price. Both the consumers and farmers can enjoy the benefits from guava.

Q3. What is the “six leaves and one fruit” method? (Yin-cheng)
A3. To put it simply, for every six leaves, there is only one guava. We count six leaves from one bud, and then remove the seventh leave, so that the guavas have sufficient photosynthesis. This method can enhance sweetness and weight of guava and let guava have better growth!

Q4. When should the guava be bagged? (Tsai-chen)
A4. It is bagged after reaching 3cm. After bagging, I will not spray pesticide to ensure the health of consumers.

Q5. What is the difference between organic and non-organic guava? (Tsung-chun)
A5. Actually, it is very difficult to plant organic guava, because guava has serious pest damages. The organic guavas look ugly. Organic fruit means no use of chemical fertilizer. I go for half-organic, and use some fertilizers, mostly natural vegetables and fruits as fertilizer.


Q6. What is the difference of guava between Taiwan and other countries? (Tsung-chun)
A6. Taiwan guava variety originates from Africa and South America, and it was introduced while Zheng He travelled to the West Ocean. After the hard work of Taiwanese farmers, now we have the most delicious guava in the world. Taiwan guava tastes much better than Thailand and Vietnam guava. Taiwan is an island with stable climate in four seasons, thus it is suitable for planting tropical fruits.

Q7. What is your joy or hardship in the process of planting guava? (Wei-tse)
A7. The hardship is encountering natural disasters, such as typhoon or rainstorm, and then my painstaking efforts will go to vain. I may have little or even no harvest at all. The joy is when I see customers complimenting my guava “Delicious! Delicious!”

Q8. What varieties of guava have you planted? (Shu-han)
A8. There are many varieties of guava in my orchard, and hard to remember all. So I tie plates of different colors on the trees for recognition and classification. The common varieties of guava include: Thailand, seedless, sweet, red-heart, pearl, and psidium which looks like watermelon after cut open. I developed new guava variety - sweet guava, which won me the honor of “Shennong Award”.


Q9. Which kind of guava is most preferred by customers? (Tsai-chen)
A9. Pearl guava. It is very sweet and crunchy. Because it is very popular, I mostly plant pearl guava.

Q10. What are the advantages to eat guava? (Tsung-chun)
A10. Among all fruits, guava is the best one, which has no side effect but high nutritional value. Before enjoying BBQ in Mid-Autumn Festival, eating some guava can decompose the nitrate, carbon, and sodium produced in acid constitution after eating BBQ. Furthermore, guava contains rich vitamin A, B, C, and ferruginous element which can decompose the cholesterol in our body.

Q11. What is the significance of “Shennong Award” to you? (Yin-cheng)
A11. It is very difficult to receive the “Shennong Award”, which is the highest honor in the agriculture field. I devote the painstaking efforts into my orchard, and insist on safe use of pesticide so that the buyers can enjoy a good taste. After receiving this award, I want to do more things for other farmers. I established the direct sales cooperative to keep the guava price reasonable, so that guava farmers can earn a stable income. If I have the opportunity, I will seize it.

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