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Tour Record Part-3


Conductor Experience

Then, we went to the Conductor Experience Area. The place was similar to a box of a theater, with a podium in front of the big screen. The audience were allowed to experience the feelings of conductors by using the customized baton. Ms. Chang demonstrated the usage at first and then had us try it onstage. We soon found out the fun and challenge of being a conductor. Once the beats were incorrect, the conducting scores dropped right away. Ms. Liu was the last one to try. Unsurprisingly, with her effort in conducting the orchestra, she got the perfect score easily. We took a picture together as the ending of this area.

Ms. Chang demonstrated the holding of the baton We were touched by the enthusiasm of Ms. Chang
Let's experience the fulfillment of conductors! But... It's an effortless job for Ms. Liu to take on the baton
Ms. Liu got the perferct score easily We are all little conductors

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Experience the Instruments: Percussions Instruments

We then visited the section for percussions instruments, which contained wind bells, snare drum, bass drums, timpani, glockenspiel and xylophone. Under the agreement and encouragement of Ms. Chang, Ms. Liu had us perform each instrument one by one. The ensemble of Yan-Ming Liao and Yi-Xuan Lin on the xylophone and the glockenspiel was pleasant to the ears. We all enjoyed the magic of the music.


The sound of the wind bells are clear and pleasant to the ears. When learned that we could play the musical instruments, the General Director jumped to seize the chance immediately.
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Without drum sticks, one experiences the free spirit of the drums more easily Though it was just an experience, we professionally played with respectful hearts.
How wonderful it would be if we could bring the instruments back to school? On seeing the arrangement of the timpani, Jun-Wei couldn't wait to try them.

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Experience the Musical Instruments: Pipe Organ

Next to the percussions section, there were some musical instruments of the Baroque Era. The most impressive musical instrument was one with three layers of keyboards and one layer of pedalboards. The instrument was called the pipe organ. The General Director was the first one to challenge it, but he was not used to the employment of the feet. The teacher had Po-Yuan Yang, the Bass Accordion concertmaster, help him with taking care of the pedalboards. Because it was his first time to try the instrument, he was pretty awkward. Finally, he climbed to the bottom of the pipe organ and touched the pedalboards with his hands, which made everyone laugh.

The performance of "the Phantom of the Opera" on the pipe organ is specially authentic "Innovative Musical Notes" in the Organ Pipe section

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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