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Events by Year

Ping He Children Orchestra

Ping He Children Orchestra was founded by former principal Ching Wang in 1995. After getting excellent standard in National Students Music Competition for the first time, it has sustained its excellent tradition until now.

It all starts from 1995 in Ping He Elementary School…

Year Events Helpers


Prepared and then established
"Ping He Children Orchestra."

Principal Ching Wang;
Ms. Chia-Yu Lin


Got the first place in Changhua County Music Competition for several times, and excellent standard in National Students Music Competition.

Principal Ching Wang;
Principal Jin-Chuan Lian; Principal Huo-Wang Lin;
Ms. Chia-Yu Lin;
Ms. Fang-Min Liu;
Ms. Miao-Shan Lai;
Ms. Ru-Zhen Yen


Principal Shui-Mu Lin;
Ms. Fang-Min Liu;



2007 Changhua County Music Competition First Place

2007National Students Music CompetitionExcellent Standard

2008 Changhua County Music CompetitionExcellent Standard

2009 Changhua County Music CompetitionFirst Place

2009 National Students Music Competition Excellent Standard Second Place

2010 Changhua County Music Competition Excellent Standard

2011 Changhua County Music Competition Excellent Standard

2012 Changhua County Music Competition Excellent Standard

2013 Changhua County Music Competition First Place Advanced

2013 National Students Music Competition First Place Advanced

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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