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About Innovative Musical Notes



Ping He Children Orchestra is one of the school characteristic. We are always invited for concerts and the feedback are always great. We often get good results of music contests. What kind of magical orchestra can bear with the trainings for every morning and afternoon, summer vacation and winter break? Is it just for contests? The instructor's enthusiasm for teaching made us want to discuss more about it. Through this project, we want more and more people to know better about Ping He Children Orchestra.

The practice room is always full of beautiful music


Ms. Shih-Ying Chung 's experiences sharing

During the training

We invited Director Shih-Ying Chung who gets great results many times to share her experiences about the Cyber Fair.



Our theme is Ping He Children Orchestra. We planned our project with mind map and forcused on the history, members, instruments, and activities. We want everyone to join the charming world of the orchestra.

We learned from the past experiences and disscussed about the structures of our research


Most of us are the orchestra members, we are Innovative Musical Notes


After couple times of training, we named our team as Innovative Musical Notes. We hope each of us could be better and better in music. We also made the poster together and designed one's own logo on the website.

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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