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Cheng-Ying Yang, Music Tracker

Our Cyber Fair team is a great team. It make my life fruitful. Teachers are very nice to me. Our project title is Ping He Children Orchestra. I was not familiar with music instruments but I enjoyed music a lot. I learned more about the instruments since I joined the team. I also learned the importance of efficiency and the spirit of cooperation with each other. We have good understanding with each other. Hope I can join the Cyber Fair in 6 grade again.


Yi-Xuan Lin, Top Stricker

I play xylophone in the Children Orchestra. It's interesting to join Cyber Fair. During the project, I studied the history of Children Orchestra with other members. When I read the 10-year special edition, the seniors seems just in front of us. We tried our best in the work. Ms. Chia-Yu Lin told us how they played with music and Mr. Ching Wang told us the difficulty of funding. We got all kinds of problems but we dealed them one by one with teachers' help. Because of the Cyber Fair, I understood the hard working of editing website. It's hard to believe such a small group could make a website. I believe even we didn't get the first place, it's still a great experience.


Yun-Ruei Chang, Quick Silver

I am the concertmaster of Tenor Accordion. At first, I had no idea about Cyber Fair. Everything is new to me. After many lessons, I became familiar with it. As a concertmaster, Ididn't know the accordion very well. I learned more about it after we surfed the internet. The internet is handy. Because of the Cyber Fair project, my elementary life became more interesting. My writing skill is getting better. We held many concert. We even joined a TVshow. Hope we could get great grade.


You Wu, Powerful Finger

I'm a member of Children Orchestra. I learned to use a lot of softwares from the instructors. We use WORD and Photocap to edit the paper works and the photos. There 2 softwares are very handy. It made me getting interesting in computer since the project. We interviewed people, visited NTSO, edited website during the project. Every activity let me understand the importance of cooperation. I did learn a lot.


Yan-Ming Liao, Past Master,

I am General Director of the Children Orchestra but I'm not sure I understand every instrument. I learned very much during the project. For example, how an accordion make sound, and etc. I also learned the importance of cooperation. We drew poster and edited the website together. Only cooperation could make our work more efficiently. I enjoyed a lot in our visiting of NTSO. We learned how to direct an orchestra and I played the pipe organ. Joined Cyber Fair was a very great experience to me.


Po-Yuan Yang, Magic Finger

I am the concertmaster of Bass accordion. Through Ms. Liu's introduction, I joined the project. I learned how to surf the internet and get the data I want. Visiting the NTSO let me learn all kind of instruments. I also learned the importance of cooperation. I am very impressed about Mr. Ching Wang & Ms. Chia-Yu Lin by interviewing them. Because of their hard work, I had the chance to get in this orchestra and I am honoedr to join this project.


Jun-Wei Chen, Sharp Shooter

I'm a member of the Children Orchestra, but I don't know every detail of each instrument. During the project, I learned more about instruments by interviewing other members. I also know their good and hard time of their practice. We also interviewed the founder, principal Ching Wang, and the first instructor, Ms. Chia-Yu Lin.

Mr. Wang told us the difficulties when he tried to found Children Orchestra, such us the resource of money, teacher and etc. Without his hard work, we might not have such a good club today. Now I am not only a fresh player but also a little specialist of music. I can talk a lot about instruments. Cyber Fair improved me a lot.

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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