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Team members

Doing this project, we have learned the importance of cooperation, and moreover, we, Cool-Bow have become good friends during all the activities, such as field visits, group discussions, interpretations of Changhua Roundhouse and the challenge games. Click on the picture below for more information about us.

Cheng-Ying Yang Yi-Xuan Lin Yun-Ruei Chang You Wu Yan-Ming Liao Po-Yuan Yang Jun-Wei Chen

Cheng-Ying Yang, Music Tracker

Birthday8th Jan.


HobbiesPlaying the piano & Math

Music learning3 years

What I want to say is…

Hi! My name is Cheng-Ying Yang.  Since Ms. Chung told us about the Cyber Fair, my dad signed me up immediately.  That's how I joined the special group.  At first, I didn't know what Cyber Fair is or what I should do.  After learning, I understood more about the Cyber Fair.  Meanwhile, my typing skill got better and I learned to use a lot of computer softwares.

Yi-Xuan Lin, Top Stricker

Birthday17th July


HobbiesMusic, reading, mountain climbing, and etc.

Music learning3 years


What I want to say is…

Hi! My name is Yi-Xuan Lin.  At first, Ms. Liu recommanded me to join the team.  I totally had no idea what Cyber Fair is until the instructors told us.  The theme of the project is our children orchestra which we are very familiar with.  It was interesting in the first class,but soon I realized that we need to cooperate with others.  We tried our best in this project, also, we had fun together.  I love computer more and my typing skill was getting better.  Our teachers helped us making our personal logos.  By doing the project let me understand the power of group and it widened my vision.

Yun-Ruei Chang, Quick Silver

Birthday 21st Feb.


HobbiesMusic, drawing, reading, and swimming

Music learning3 years

Instrument Tenor Accordion

What I want to say is…

Hello!  My name is Yun-Ruei Chang.  I joined the team via Ms. Liu's reccomandation.   At first, I didn't know what Cyber Fair is.  Through teachers' introductions, I knew the theme of the project is about Ping He Children Orchestra.  We improved our information sill during classes.  We held some concerts to raise our prestige.  The computer became my good friend now.

You Wu, Powerful Finger

Birthday23rd Aug.

Horoscope Virgo


Music learning1 year

Instrument Tenor Accordion

What I want to say is…

Hello!  My name is You Wu.  I joined the team because of Ms. Liu.  In the first class, teachers told us something about Cyber Fair.  After that, they taught us how to organize our notes with office softwares.  It improved my typing skill, also,I learned how to use a variety of computer softwares to get my work done.  I also realized THE importance of the cooperation.  Our theme is Ping He Children Orchestra.  I believed  each of us will try our best to do it.

Yan-Ming Liao, Past Master

Birthday6th Oct.

Horoscope Libra

Hobbies Listening to the music, playing the piano, singing, reading novels, and watching movies

Music learning4 years

InstrumentSoprano Accordion

What I want to say is…

Hello! My name is Yan-Ming Liao. The theme of our project is Ping He Children Orchestra. Ms. Liu recommanded me to join the team. I am the General Director and the Soprano Accordion concertmaster of our children orchestra. Allowed me to say so: That's why my nick is "Past Master".

Po-Yuan Yang, Magic Finger

Birthday19th Dec.

Horoscope Sagittarius

Hobbies Reading, sports, and music

Music learning4 years

Instrument  Bass Accordion

What I want to say is…

My name is Po-Yuan Yang.  I joined the team because of my music teacher's introduction, and it sounded fun.  I did not understand what Cyber Fair is.  Because of the teacher's explaination, I understood that we were going to present our children orchestra on website and let more people know us.  We didn't do well at the beginning, but we were getting better and trying to help each other.  Our teachers even assigned secret angels to help their masters to finish the tasks.  We learned the importance of team work by joining Cyber Fair.  We learned editing the website, besides, we also learned something else out of the textbooks.

Jun-Wei Chen, Sharp Shooter

Birthday13th Mar.

Horoscope Pisces

Hobbies Music, reading, and calligraphy

Music learning3 years

Instrument  Timpani

What I want to say is…

My name is Jun-Wei Chen.  At first, my teacher asked if I wanted to join Cyber Fair.  I said YES immediately even though I totally had no idea what to do.  After teacher's explaination, I got it.  At the very beginning I felt like a robot.  Practice makes perfect.  I was getting better after training.  The benefits of joining this project were to understand myself better, learn from each other, help each other, and realize much more about the instruments.  By our website, we want people to enjoy the music as love as we do.


Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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