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Ping He Children Orchestra History Exploration

Writer: You Wu, Powerful Finger

To explore the history of Ping He Children Orchestra, we went to the school history room. Not until Director Chia-Yu Lin offered the Children Orchestra memorial book did I realized that the Children Orchestra's establishment was thanks to the help of Principal Ching Wang and Director Chia-Yu Lin.

Therefore, we designed interview questions for the former Principal Ching Wang and Director Chia-Yu Lin, the first instructor.

Interview Question and Thank-You Cards Design

Writer: Cheng-Ying Yang, Music Tracker  

We were working on the questions for interview, but the teacher asked us to change some weird questions and said that evevryone has to help instead of fooling around. And I also designed a thank-you card for the interview.

  Checked out the designed question Thank-you card for Director Lin  
  Thank-you card for Principal Wang Working hard on interview questions  

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Interview Rehearsal

Writer: Yi-Xuan Lin, Top Stricker

The instructor gave comments on our interview scripts and introduced useful information. Our interview scripts were disorganized and messed up. But with the teachers' advice, we finally got it done and began to practice. Po-Yuan Yang acted as interviewee, You Wu was the interviewer, Yun-Ruei and I were the recorders. It was kind of funny in the rehearsal.

  We laughed unceasingly when Po-Yuan Yang acted as the interviewee We were less worried about the interview after a few rehearsals

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Interview Record Arrangement

Writer: Yun-Ruei Chang, Quick Silver

We had to upload the interview photos to the cloud today. But due to the unfamiliarity of cloud computing, I had problems with uploading. Thanks for my teammate's kindly help, I finally figured out.

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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