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County Games


Yun-Ruei Chang, Quick Silver

Po-Yuan Yang, Magic finger


the performance at Changhua County Sports Meet


all the Children Orchestra members and the instructor


August, 7th, 2013


Changhua County Gym


It's the much anticipated day for us, for we are invited to performance for the Changhua County Sports Meet. We all got up early and began our practice. When we gathered at the bus, we were delayed by the malfunction of the music instrument car, which forced us to wait under the scorching sun.

Though we were in a hurry, we camly set the musical instruments We sat and relaxed for a moment before the performance

When arriving at the gym, the emcee was announcing the songs that we should perform. We were in a hurry to set the musical instruments and seat in position. The teacher started conducting us for the performance. Everyone looked anxious, and the accordion belt of the General Director broke during the performance. Luckily, the teacher had brought an extra accordion, which enabled the General Director to continue the performance. The amusing scene had everyone laughed. The teacher even joked that we had to go to temples, for it was the first day of the ghost month. Some of us were confused about the songs and made several errors later on, which made the teacher angry.

It was a grand event which we had never experienced Nevertheless, we did our best to perform in front of the audience

When we went back to school, the teacher asked us to close our eyes and reflected our performance. Due to the lack of practice and coordination, we made errors and nearly flopped this performance. Because of the warning this time, we believed that we would be more careful as not to make mistakes in the competitions. We needed more practice, of course, to avoid someone from making untimely sounds. We also had to look at the conductor more attentively and frequently. Hoped that we would have a better performance next time!

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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