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Taiwan Kids, Great!


We decorated the practicing room with the posters to welcome the crew of Public Television Service Taiwan Kids, Great! Here we come!

Film in the campus
The Shooting of our campus by Public Television Service

Public Television Service came for videorecording a program about Ping He Children Orchestra today. We followed the director and did what he asked us to do. The most interesting part was the teaching of Ms Fang-Min Liu. Everyone pretended that we did not know anything she taught and bathed in her teaching......<More>

Public Television Service




It's the day to film for Public Television Service in Taipei. We were first recorded of our ads and the team call. We then had a rehearsal and filming in the afternoon. Everyone was eager to show the best of team......<More>


Our much anticipated program would be broadcasted at 10:00 in the morning of January 18th. This was the result of our filming in Public Television Service in Taipei on November 15th last year. We were pretty anxious but excited as well......<More>

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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