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Music Competitions

Changhua County Music Competition


Jun-Wei Chen, Sharp Shooter

Yun-Ruei Chang, Quick Silver

Yan-Ming Liao, Past Master

Po-Yuan Yang, Magic Finger


Changhua County Music Competition


The Children Orchestra members, the guiding teacher, passionate parents


December 9th, 2013


Yuanlin Elementary School

After ceaseless practices every day, it's time for our competition! We still practiced until the last sunset and started our fight for Yuanlin, with enthusiastic parents who helped lug the musical instruments. We were joking and talking on the way, but once we got into the hall, the tension just spreaded. After all, this is the moment that we have strived for the whole year.

Everyone took easy on the way to "fight." But we still could not hide our anxiety
The teacher called us to stand in line for the verification Everyone waited silently

Everyone started to set the musical instruments, hoping to create an unprecedented record. The short twenty minutes felt like countless centuries. We started our assigned song "English Folk Song Suite 3rd Mov." with the brisk tempo, which soothed our nervousness. We expressed incisively the strengthening and weakening of the volume.

Everyone skillfully set the musical instruments Experience the feeling of the audience when they are watching our show
Everything is ready. The air froze at the moment immediately We will conquer everyone with the beautiful music

Then we performed our elective song "The Phantom of the Opera." The shocking beginning represented the appearance of the phantom, which was under the reign of the bass. The sentimentally romantic part of the song was started by my solo and followed by everyone's unison. The style of the song changed to rock when the phantom appeared again. The change was an excellent show for the drum set player. The last part "The Music of the Night" was started with the solo of the tenor as the confession of the phantom to Christine. I then sang with the tenor accordion concertmaster and was joined by others. The timpani ended the whole song. After the performance, I was so touched that I nearly burst into tears.

The bright and relaxing elective song was the fruit of everyone's effort The dramatic performance made everyone feel like in the story of " The Phantom of the Opera."

The anxious time came when the scores were released. God helps those who help themselves. We got the advanced first place. All the members were crazy with joy and jumped around. We got such a good result because of Ms Liu's contribution by painfully nurturing us. We were only newbies to the piano not long ago!

When we went back to school, Ms. Liu asked us what we got except happiness. Why could we make it? The answer was: we got the result with our industrious practice and our sweats! But we should not be slack. We should work harder because we have to challenge the National Students Music Competition in near future. We have to work harder! Go!

The members of Cyberfair were participants as well as observers The result was released. We got the advanced first place
National Students Competition of Music, here we come!

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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