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Charity Performance


Jun-Wei Chen, Sharp Shooter

Yun-Ruei Chang, Quick Silver

Yan-Ming Liao, Past Master

Yi-Xuan Lin, Top Stricker.


Charitable year end lunch party


9:00-10:30 January 23rd, Tuesday


Cheng Gong Parking Lot in Changhua City

Zenan Homeless Social Welfare Foundation invited us to perform in their Charitable year end lunch party. We saw several considerate service sections, such as free haircutting and spring couplets. We then moved the musical instruments to the temporary stage "Transformer." Due to the size of the stage, we had to squeeze ourselves in our performance.

My xylophone was put at the border. The place where I stood was less than two meters from the edge. I was so scared but I conquered the fear afterwards. Though we were delayed by the host, we did our best to perform. When the audience looked at us happily, I felt the warmth of the world.

樂器直接從貨車移到舞台上。 站在「變形金鋼」的舞台邊深怕掉下去。
We moved the musical instruments directly from the truck to the stage We were afraid to fall on the "Transformer" stage
We took a picture before the performance

The songs we played were: "Aragonaise from the opera Carmen and the theme of the movie "Pirates of the Carribean." We were a bit nervous at the rehearsal but relaxed by the teacher's encouragement, which softened the stiffness of our music. We then played the songs calmly and steadily. The audience enjoyed the music with smile, which made me feel a sense of achievement. I think this feeling is priceless.

彰邑聖帝會理事長陳孟圭致詞開場。 我們的演出吸引全場的目光。
Mr. Chen, the keyman who invited us to performance for the feast made the opening speech Our performance seized everyone's attention
Director Chung received the certification of gratitude from the ex mayor Wen and Hui Xin Charity Association.

Our music touched people. The applause was unforgettable! At last, the ex mayor Wen gave us a certification of gratitude on our effort in welfare. Director Chung received it on behalf of us. We not only gave warmth to the community today but also unexpectedly given praise and recognition.

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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