Wind-Powered Art
1. Dancing
Art Docent
1. Birds Flying
2. Passing on the Flame
3. Dancing Life
4. Glory of Taiwan
5. Excellent
Art Docent
Glory of Taiwan-Nice Baseball Best Taiwan
Evelyn Hung

We stood under the blazing hot sun in the Taichung Baseball Stadium, introducing Mr. Tseng’s wind-powered art “Glory of Taiwan”. Baseball is the premier sport of Taiwan, and the stadium is like a holy place for baseball fans. Mr. Tseng decided to set several pieces of wind-powered art around each corner, so that fans from each direction can feel the joy of baseball. The art project itself involves a huge amount of colorful blocks, combining the beautiful aesthetics to portray the beauty of it. Every statue of players symbolizes the sportsmanship, and together they are the soul of Taiwanese.


Life is like a baseball game.  There are good days and bad days.  We hope that, through public art, busy cosmopolitans would have a chance to glance different scenery and to embrace the next crucial moment.


Turning Our Reflections Into Images

Jie-Sheng Kan   Evelyn Hung   Hui-Yu Chen
Yin-Cheng Wang   Tsai-Chen Tsai   Tsung-Chun Chen

Turning Our Reflections into Models
The model of Glory of Taiwan - Nice Baseball Best Taiwan was made of pen caps, paper clips and toys.