Wind-Powered Art
1. Dancing
Art Docent
1. Birds Flying
2. Passing on the Flame
3. Dancing Life
4. Glory of Taiwan
5. Excellent
Wind-Powered Art
Taiwan’s first wind-powered kinetic sculpture
Tsung-Chun Chen

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Location: Chi-Chia Technology Company
Year: 2005
Material: Iron
Size: 10 meters high

In 2005, with the support of Chi-Chia Technology Foundation, the first 360 degree turnaround wind-powered art was born in Taipei. It was a successful mixture of science and art. Mr. Tseng designed special utilities in order to take advantage of winds as well as to endure disastrous natural force like typhoons. He had combined modern industrial design and old days technology, too. By using the concept of old-fashioned scales, a new art form was born. “Dancing” was displayed on the plaza of Chi-Chia’s headquarter, so that people all around and passersby would have a chance to admire its artistic beauty. Mr. Tseng wanted this art display to bring a little more happiness into the nearby neighborhood, and also to introduce the concept of wind-powered kinetic sculptures to the world.


1. Creating the foundation   2. Assembling the combinations   3. Structuring the platform
4. The circular cylinders   5. Completion!   6. A good art display requires maintenance