Wind-Powered Art
1. Dancing
Art Docent
1. Birds Flying
2. Passing on the Flame
3. Dancing Life
4. Glory of Taiwan
5. Excellent
Wind-Powered Art
EXCELLENT-Student Teacher School

The most active giagantic wind-powered art
Shao-Ying Tai

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Location: National Overseas Chinese Experimental high School, New Taipei City
Year: 2012
Material: iron, cement
Size: 8 meters high

Overseas Chinese Experimental High School has a spacious campus. The campus is perfect for displaying wind-powered art. This kinetic sculpture stands in front of the school’s volleyball gym, a place where the school’s honor mainly comes from. It looks like a sports giant who is waving hello to students and staffs. The round discs on the top reflect the glorious volleyball accomplishments of the school. The multi-directional design makes it be the most active gigantic wind-powered art in Taiwan so far.


1. The multi-directional giant discs   2. The other side of the scales   3. Stabilizing the base
4. Adjusting discs' direction   5. Lifting all the discs   6. A giant ready to move