Wind-Powered Art
1. Dancing
Art Docent
1. Birds Flying
2. Passing on the Flame
3. Dancing Life
4. Glory of Taiwan
5. Excellent
Wind-Powered Art
Passing on the Flame
Biggest hydropower and wind-powered art in Taiwan
Tsai-Chen Tsai

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Location: National Chiao-Tung University
Year: 2008
Material: stones, cement, iron
Size: 6 meters high

In order to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of National Chiao Tung University, the Alumni Association invited artist Mr. Tseng to create the piece “Passing On the Flame”. This masterpiece symbolized the educational mission of the University to pass on knowledge on to future generations of students. The 16 columns and 8 bamboo pipes represent the eight colleges. The graceful outline of the water as it shoots up high over Bamboo Lake is sure to be remembered. The columns from each side can shoot out powerful jets of water, and form a rainbow on sunny days. What a magnificent scene!


1. Spending one year thinking and preparing, the works began.   2. Can you feel the Chinese scenery painting style?   3. The water columns demonstrate a perfect blending of art and nature.
4. The intricate design of the water columns is the result of hard work.   5. Mr. Tseng paid close attention to detail.   6. This artwork is a perfect combination of art and science.