Wind-Powered Art
1. Dancing
Art Docent
1. Birds Flying
2. Passing on the Flame
3. Dancing Life
4. Glory of Taiwan
5. Excellent
Wind-Powered Art
Dancing Life
The most matured wind-powered art in town
Yin-Cheng Wang

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Location: Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Year: 2009
Material: cement, aluminum, iron
Size: 10 meters x 6 meters

A hospital is not only a place to cure patients’ physical illness but also a place to provide beauty of life, and to inspire people’s willing of life. Taipei Veterans General Hospital emphasizes art therapy and adds on the creative power from artists. Mr. Tseng created this particular piece to demonstrate healthy moves and rhythmic beats. It combines art and innovation, and has the ability to spin 360 degrees. Seeing it dancing in the sky brings hopes to every life nearby.


1. Mr. Tseng assembled the pieces himself.   2. Mr. Tseng checked every detail.   3. Mr. Tseng established the framework.
4. More human power, please!   5. A crane was necessary.   6. Dancing Life will go on and on.