Project NarrativeHomepageAbout TrukuGreat IngredientsBon AppetitCuisineFun in CuisineResearch ProcessConclusions

Prepping for research • A Cuisine Interview Record • Restaurant Interview Record • Working Progress • Special Thanks • References


Special thanks

Behind every successful event, there is a group of volunteers who have given their generous cooperation and selfless dedication to the achievement of a goal. The volunteers of this research project have helped to create with us records and memories of success, and those we received assistance from include the teachers of the community, administrative staff members, parents of the community, university student volunteers, as well as resources from the local government and the private sector. These people have helped us to carry out our project to the utmost extent, their passionate participation has created for our students a better learning environment, therefore we would like to introduce one by one all of the units and persons to whom we wish to express our deepest gratitude.

Sinbaiyang Cultural Club Teacher Community:

The members of the Teacher Community include Director Shiou-liang Hsu, Teacher Shu-jun Hua, Teacher De-lin Ai, Teacher Ke-yu Chen, Teacher Chen-yuan Li and Teacher Guan-ting Lin, all of whom possess unique abilities and skills. Director Hsu is seasoned in administrative coordination, applying for research grants, and webpage design. Teacher Hua possesses expertise in designing and developing local cultural education materials, environmental education, as well as qualitative research. Teacher Ai is an expert in teaching tribal languages, tribal language translation, information and internet management, computer repair, and the production of interactive webpage content. Teacher Chen’s abilities lie in developing local cultural education material, teaching tie-dye, and library management. Teacher Li is skilled in administrative coordination, developing local cultural education material, trap placement, and scout training. Teacher Lin’s expertise lies in teaching traditional Truku musical instruments, music composition, and trap placement.

The members of the community spontaneously call and hold meetings, regular and otherwise, and especially always take advantage of the summer vacation course development meetings to discuss issues concerning the current situation and future prospects of implementing courses on local culture. After each meeting, the members always manage to reach a mutual understanding, and the efficacy with which the teacher execute their plans are evident in the successful way in which the courses are carried out, the students’ participation in the Taiwan International Cyberfair is only one of the achievements resulting from these courses. The community will continue to lead and direct the implementation and execution of the school courses, and we are happy there is such an excellent team of teachers and staff here at Jien ching![up]

Support from administrative staff:

For administrative members of staff at our school who are responsible for managing the students and campus, protecting and advocating students’ right to education is always a priority, and fulfilling teachers’ needs for courses and teaching is another such priority. Principal Shih-how Lai’s concern and consideration for these needs have led the two directors (Director Hsu and Teacher Lai) as well as the information management personnel (Teacher Ai) to actively and enthusiastically assist the teachers of our school in leading students to join in exploratory courses. We have successfully acquired new computers and microphone headphones for the computer classroom this past year, and have applied for and received funding for club operation costs as well as for the donation of ten digital cameras from civil groups. The school has also set up internet connection points across campus as well as wireless connection, all in an effort to provide a superior wireless environment in which our children may freely learn. These are all achievements that have fully demonstrate the overall efficacy of our administrative staff who have worked tirelessly on behalf of our students and teachers.[up]

Grandma Bao-shu He:

Grandma He is the night-watcher of our campus, and not only is she careful, responsible and considerate, but she is also highly skilled in preparing traditional Truku cuisine. Whether banana rice or bamboo rice, there is nothing Grandma He cannot make. Every time the school holds experimental courses on traditional foods, Grandma is invited to teach us the how and wherefore of traditional cooking, and we would like to express our gratitude to her. Grandma’s bamboo garden up on the mountain produces delicious bamboo shoots every April and May, and this year she even allowed us to experience for ourselves the pleasure of harvesting bamboo shoots. We would like to thank Grandma for teaching us to harvest bamboo shoots and preparing banana leaves during our bamboo rice and banana rice experimental courses. Your careful instructions have helped us to learn so much, thank you, Grandma Bao-shu He![up]

Ms. Li-Lan Wang:

Ms. Wang is the daughter of Ms. Bao-shu He, and the wife of the chairman of Jien Ching Elementary School’s Parents’ Association. She is moreover also a teacher of traditional Truku language at our school, and is always ready to help smooth over any affairs on campus that require attention. Ms. Wang is skilled at teaching and explaining, and our experimental courses of banana rice and bamboo rice could not have been carried out so well without her assistance and explanations. We feel extremely grateful for Ms. Wang’s participation in teaching us how to making traditional Truku cuisine! Your detailed explications have allowed us to further understand the course content, thank you, Ms. Wang! [up]


Ms. Wen:

Ms. Wen is a traditional Truku language teacher at our school, and a volunteer mom-cook with a professional chef’s license. The free dinners offered to students in need at our school consist of delicious and heartwarming meals expressly prepared by Ms. Wen. She owns a bird’s nest fern garden on a hill near the Jien Ching Community, and during the day she can often be seen tending the plants in her garden. For this event, we asked Ms. Wen if she would take us to her fern garden, teach us to harvest fern shoots, and turn the vegetable into tasty dishes. Your professional demonstrations and explanations make you a role model for all of us, thank you, Ms. Wen![up]

 Uncle He:

Uncle He is a consultant for the Jien Ching Elementary School Parents’ Association, he is incredibly involved in campus affairs, and can always be seen on the school premises whenever events or activities are held. Thefore it was no surprise that when we asked him to bring us up to the mountains to harvest bamboo shoots and cut bamboo stalks for making bamboo rice, he agreed to do so immediately, and not only taught us how to differentiate the varieties and maturity of bamboo stalks, but also how to cut the stalks down safely. Your care and assistance have allowed us to learn safely, thank you, Uncle He![up]


Dong Hwa University Graduate Institute of Visual Arts Education:

Teacher Jin-mei Chu is a professor at Dong Hwa University’s Graduate Institute of Visual Arts Education, and through her assistance, we successfully invited Ms. Chia-ling He and Ms. Chi-yu Li of the institute to come teach us how to use video cameras and digital cameras. Their detailed coaching allowed us to master the skills quickly. Three other exchange students from China taught us all about the traditional cultures and cuisines of the various regions of China. Professional instruction from all of you have helped us to broaden our horizons, thank you, Teacher Chu, Ms. He, and Ms. Li![up]

Masai Aboriginal Restaurant:

The lady owner of Masai Aboriginal Restaurant is a traditional woman of the Truku tribe who likes to cook, and with her husband’s support, opened the Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant. On the day of the interview she was extremely kind and friendly, answered our question in detail and told us everything we needed to know. Her daughter kindly prepared delicious traditional dishes for our sakes, and we left that day feeling so rewarded and grateful. After the interview we visited Mukumugi and saw its beautiful sceneries, and on top of that Teacher Shien-mei Hsu told us a lot of stories and historical backgrounds of the Truku. We would like to thank the kind lady owner of Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant and Teacher Shien-mei Hsu![up]

Shang You Farm Restaurant:

Mr. Doyong of Shang You Farm Restaurant is a Truku tribesman who is incredibly thoughtful and resourceful. He spent a fortune in opening up his restaurant and bed & breakfast, and tells us that his goal is to let more visitors learn of Truku culture by combining traditional cuisine and guided tours of nearby scenic spots. Mr. Doyong’s wife is of the Han people, and is in charge of the kitchen at a restaurant that serves aboriginal cuisine, a fact that made us regard her with great respect. Mr. Doyong took us to see the ingredients planted around the restaurant, and it was a pleasure to get to know the traditional ingredients of us aborigines under the amusing but professional explanations of Mr. Doyong. He also showed us the Truku wall paintings in the restaurants that are very popular with tourists, his lively, funny stories made us feel as if we had entered into another time and space, and we felt to proud to be members of the Truku community. Before the interview and visit ended, the owners prepared for us a feast of the most unique dishes in aboriginal cuisine served at their restaurant, thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Doyong, for your kindly reception of us![up]

Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant:

The lady owner of Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant Mrs. Guo is a highly skilled cook, and through this interview, we learned of her efforts in preserving the traditional flavors of Truku cuisine. She continues to learn from many places, acquires masses of experience, and creates many unique dishes by dint of careful thought and much creativity. Although Mrs. Guo is now in more of a supervising position due to poor health, her son, daughter-in-law and other family members continue to upkeep the fame of Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant and attract visitors with their carefully prepared menu. Mrs. Guo’s perseverance and dedication is very much worthy of our emulation. We also discovered a lot of aboriginal art pieces all around the restaurant, so that tourists may learn about traditional Truku art when they come to dine. Lastly, Mrs. Guo let us try making pumpkin cake, which was so much fun and so fulfilling! We would like to say a big thank you to Mrs. Guo and the uncles and aunties at Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant![up]

Hongye High-raised House Restaurant:

Hongye High-raised House Restaurant was once a well known aboriginal restaurant in Wanrong Township South District, but due to a difference in staff members’ business theories and young employees’ aspiration for city life, the restaurant had to close down. Nevertheless, we still think that Hongye High-raised House Restaurant holds an influential place in Wanrong Townshop, especially in the aspect of establishing tribal culture, training personnel in local enterprises, and applying for grants and subsidies. The restaurants had previously succeeded in all this aspects, and had been commended by many.

A member of our school staff, Ms. Hsin-yi Lin, is a resident of Hongye Village, and with her assistance in setting up communications and expressing our eagerness to conduct an interview, the former owners of the restaurant agreed to meet with us. We would like to thank board director Mr. De-chen Huang, village mayor Mr. Shui-quan Li, former chairman Mr. Lin, former accountant Ms. Huang, and chef Ms. Huang for giving us their friendly assistance. Even though the restaurant is no longer in operation, they still received us with such generosity, and made us fully realize the determination and dedication of a restaurant that was once managed with a well structured business theory.

During this interview, we enjoyed organic coffee, cheesecake, handmade cookies and breads provided by former chairman Mr. Lin, and we would like to thank again the wife of the village mayor (Ms. Li’s mother) for preparing steaming chicken soup and red bean and sticky dumpling soup for us. We would also like to thank Director Guo-liang Lu of Hongye Elementary School for providing our students with free hot spring bathing, and letting them enjoy the five-star pleasure of sulfurous spring water. As we enjoyed the lovely food, hot springs and friendly welcome, we hoped that Hongye High-raised House Restaurant will soon meet with brighter prospects.[up]

The Child Welfare League Foundation:

Research projects require a lot of manpower, resources, and funding, and we were fortunate to have received assistance from The Child Welfare League Foundation in the form of partial subsidy to our student club. We have applied the funds to the following uses: interview costs, transportation, insurance, snacks, meals, recording equipment, and translation fees. We hope that with this kind of generous assistance, our club will grow in terms of motivation and purposefulness.

The Alliance Cultural Foundation:

This semester, our school applied for the donation of 10 second-hand digital cameras from The Alliance Cultural Foundation, all of which were donated by kindly member of our civil society, in hopes that courses in photography may help to broaden the horizons of children who are growing up in isolated regions. We were fortunate to have received additional assistance in the form of a professional photographer, who was invited by the foundation to come teach us how to use digital cameras. His name is Teacher Eiffel, and even though the photography courses lasted for only two afternoons, we learned much of the basic skills and pleasure of taking pictures from his dedicated instructions, and we even uploaded a lot of the pictures we took onto Facebook to share with our friends. We are truly grateful for the kindly attentions of the Foundation and of Teacher Eiffel, because now, whether we are conducting club courses, out of school or in our tribes, we can snaps shots at all times, and spread the stories of our tribes and community by sharing pictures with friends from all over the world.[up]