Project NarrativeHomepageAbout TrukuGreat IngredientsBon AppetitCuisineFun in CuisineResearch ProcessConclusions

Summary of Our Project / Description of "Our Community / Websit


1.Summary of Our Project:

This project introduced the cuisine culture of Truku people and conveyed the Truku culture through the sharing of respondents and the text or image records of the knowledge and cooking skills of Truku cuisine culture.

The food culture of Truku people is simple and environmental-friendly. They can live on the ecosystem nurtured by the nature. Briefly speaking, they will use any ingredient in their living environment to cook food. In the past, they lived a self-sufficient life without intentionally hunting a large number of animals or collecting excessive amount of wild vegetables and fruits. It is their common belief to obey the ecological laws of Nature.

In recent years, because in-depth tourism and healthy food are quite popular in Taiwan, Truku people have started to think about how to bring tourism into their tribe. With the assistance from public departments and enthusiasts in the tribe, the cultural ecology and industry of the tribe have been activated and put into marketing. Although there isn’t any natural and ecological landscape in Jiancing Village and its economic value of sporadic industries is limited, there are diversified cultural ecology and valuable industries in the areas where the Truku people reside.

This year, our school selected traditional cuisine of the tribe as the research theme to provide courses where students can experience local cuisines and to conduct interviews. The sharing of female community volunteers and the person in charge of local cuisine enabled all the students to understand the traditional food in the past and creative cuisines in modern days. Moreover, the introduction to the tribe’s cuisine restaurants also enabled them to better understand the history and ecological landscape. More importantly, all the text or image records were transformed into knowledge and posted on the information platform to be shared with the world. More people can understand the cultural insights into Truku people from the perspectives of conveyance, respect, education and affection.[up]

2. Description of "Our Community":

Jiancing Village is located in the center of Wanrung, Hualien County, with Silin Village in the north, Wanrung Village in the south, Nanping Village, Fenglin Township in the east, and Central Mountain Range in the west. Jiancing Village is the smallest village in the township where residents are unsophisticated and hospitable. Approximately more than 90% of the residents in the village are Truku people. The Truku people are now highly populated in Sioulin Township and Wanrung Township in Hualien County, and a few of them reside in other villages, Lishan Village in Chuosi Township and three villages in Jian Township – Chingfeng, Nanhua, and Fusing.

In terms of the labor structure in Jiancing Community, most of the residents engage in agricultural, industrial, and service industries. There is no specific industrial operation in the community, and the labor forces have to look for working opportunities outside the community. As a result, the family functions in the community are incomplete, resulting in many educational problems and the population’s sense of loss. Therefore, the role and status of our school are particularly important. In addition to taking into account the physical and psychological development of children in the community, our school should also attach importance to the thematic courses of local culture and cooperate with private and government units, in order to systemically preserve the culture of Truku people.

Our school established a cultural club to explore and investigate the culture, and the research projects of many themes have been completed and published, including Truku weaving, Truku rituals, Truku hunting, and Truku facial tattoo. Our school instructs students in basic academic abilities through education process, which also enables them to indirectly obtain abundant cultural intelligence.[up]

3. Websit:太魯閣族傳統美食首頁計畫簡報作品首頁認識太魯閣族食在好料食指大動聞香而至食在有趣研究過程研究結論計畫網站資訊研究計畫導覽研究計畫要素研究計畫貢獻度研究作品網址歷史地理語言文化社會制度祭典儀式認識新白楊社區部落竹筒飯香蕉飯麻糬山蘇三吃餐廳介紹風味餐菜色食字路口食材族語聽力測驗圖片配對調查準備美食訪問紀錄餐廳訪問紀錄工作進度感謝單位參考資料
