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Project NarrativeHomepageAbout TrukuGreat IngredientsBon AppetitCuisineFun in CuisineResearch ProcessConclusions

Restaurants • Aboriginal cuisine • Food Crossing • Our Harvest


Restaurants that specialize in Truku traditional food mostly offer dishes of aboriginal cuisine, and aside from experimenting with new dishes and cooking with locally produce and wild or organic vegetables and fruit, the restaurants often work with organic farms and come up with new and improved dishes inspired by traditional Truku cuisine, so that even visitors can enjoy Truku traditional foods to their hearts¡¦ content.

The kids of Sinbaiyang Cultural Club have taken the opportunity offered by their club courses to organize a series of visits and introductions to restaurants that offer traditional Truku cuisine. They have even produced a series of introductory material to the restaurants they visited, the aboriginal dishes they tried, and the difficulties these local restaurants are now facing, so that we may have a further understanding of both traditional Truku food and the hardships these restaurants have had to encounter. The food offered at these restaurants are not only delicious, the owners themselves are extremely helpful and friendly, making each and every visit of ours fruitful and rewarding.

Truku cuisine is truly delicious, so follow our steps and come try them out!


1. Interviewee: Masai Aboriginal Restaurant , Date of Interview: 2011.12.4

2. Interviewee: Shang You Farm Restaurant , Date of Interview: 2011.12.16

3.Interviewee: Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant , Date of Interview: 2011.12.30

4.Interviewee: Hongye High-raised House Restaurant , Date of Interview: 2012.1.6

5.Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant  http://dageeli.ehosting.com.tw/

6.Shang You Farm Restaurant  http://blog.xuite.net/doyong/sunyu

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