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Project NarrativeHomepageAbout TrukuGreat IngredientsBon AppetitCuisineFun in CuisineResearch ProcessConclusions

Prepping for research • A Cuisine Interview Record • Restaurant Interview Record • Working Progress • Special Thanks • References


Task lists

1. Web Searching on Traditional Truku Cuisine

2. Use Xmind to come up with questions for the interview

3. Introduction to Storyboard, Interview Practice-Practice with the teacher
4. Experience making Banana leaf Rice, Interview with Ms. Li-la Wang, Ms. Bao-shu He
5. Experience making rice in bamboo tube, Experience digging bamboo shoots
6. Experience Picking Bird¡¦s nest ferns, Experience making bird¡¦s nest fern cuisines.
7. Interview with Ms. Wang, Teacher Wen
8. Film Editing of the Cuisine Interview Experience
9. Organize interview files
10. Write information on traditional aboriginal cuisines using Xmind
11. Discussion on interview questions for the restaurants
12. Interview Practice
13. Practice on the application of digital cameras
14. Practice on the application of digital video cameras
15. Interview with the owner of Masai Aboriginal Restaurant, Ms. Masai
16. Visit Mukumugi Ecological Path
17. Organize interview files
18. Interview at the Shang You Aboriginal Restaurant
19. The Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant Interview
20. Interview at the Hongye High-raised House Restaurant
21. Organize Verbatim Files of the Interview
22. Discuss Webpage Outline
23. Organize Verbatim Files of the Interview
24. Organize Interview Afterthoughts
25. Organize afterthoughts about the joining of the Cyberfair project
26. Organize contents of the webpage, webpage making

1. Task: Web Searching on Traditional Truku Cuisine

Date of Research:

2011.3.4,  PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

26 Hours.

Number of Participants:

13. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Teacher Huang, Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, Yan-rou Wu, Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, Hsue-ke Chiu


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1) Search for information on Truku cuisines on the web.

(2) Ask students to pick out special Truku cuisines.

(3)Divided into research groups of the Truku cuisines ¡§rice in bamboo tube¡¨, ¡§banana leaf rice¡¨, and ¡§stir fry bird¡¦s nest fern¡¨. Then use Xmind to organize and complete the mind map.

(4)Students share afterthoughts



2. Task: Use Xmind to come up with questions for the interview

Date of Research:

2011.3.11,  PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

26 Hours.

Number of Participants:

18. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Teacher Huang, Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, Yan-rou Wu, Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, Hsue-ke Chiu. 5 researchers from Graduate Institute of Visual Art Education, Dong Hwa University.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)An introduction by the teacher about the questions asked in an interview

(2)Students discuss on the interview scrip using Xmind

(3)Share the interview script of each group

(4)Students share afterthoughts



3. Task: Introduction to Storyboard, Interview Practice-Practice with the teacher

Date of Research:

2011.3.18,2011.3.25,2011.4.8  PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

78 Hours.

Number of Participants:

18. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Teacher Huang, Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, Yan-rou Wu, Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, Hsue-ke Chiu. 5 researchers from Graduate Institute of Visual Art Education, Dong Hwa University.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)We need to keep records of our interview using digital video cameras, so we¡¦ve invited 5 researchers from the Graduate Institute of Visual Art Education of Dong Hwa University to give us an introduction on the concept of a storyboard. This way the students will be able to take better pictures.

(2)Students drawing storyboards:

(3)Share afterthoughts.

(4)Teacher giving an introduction on the things to watch for when conducting an interview.

(5)Students practice the interview with the teacher.

(6)Share of afterthoughts.



4. Task: Experience making Banana leaf Rice, Interview with Ms. Li-la Wang, Ms. Bao-shu He

Date of Research:


Total Time:

39 Hours.

Number of Participants:

13. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Teacher Huang, Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, Yan-rou Wu, Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, Hsue-ke Chiu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1) Ms. He is the school¡¦s night shift staff. She is very good at the making of traditional aboriginal cuisines. Ms. Wang is the daughter of Ms. He and is also the wife of the president of the Parent Association. She is good at explaining. This time we¡¦ve invited the two of them to teach us the making of the banana leaf rice. We are so lucky to have them!

(2)First we asked Ms. Wang and Ms. He for the ingredients for making banana leaf rice, and then we asked our teacher to get the ingredients for us.

(3) As Ms. He gave us a demonstration of the making of banana leaf rice, Ms. Wang explained.

(4)Students making banana rice.

(5)While the banana leaf rice was being steamed in the kitchen, Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao, and En-yi Guo took turns interviewing Ms. Wang about the banana leaf rice.

(6)Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao,and En-yi Guo took turns taking notes, pictures and films while the others listened carefully.

(7)Share the made banana leaf rice and share afterthoughts about the making and eating of banana leaf rice.



5. Task: Experience making rice in bamboo tube, Experience digging bamboo shoots

Date of Research:

2011.4.22  PM13:00-16:00

Total Time:

39 Hours.

Number of Participants:

13. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Teacher Huang, Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, Yan-rou Wu, Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, Hsue-ke Chiu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School

Chian Ching Community, Wanrong Township, Hualien County


(1) Ms. He has a bamboo shoot field in the mountain. Now is the perfect time for bamboo shoots. Therefore Ms. He and her daughter Ms. Wang took us to the mountains to dig for bamboo shoots.  Consultant of the Parent Association Mr. He was also invited to help us cut some bamboos for making rice in bamboo tube. Mr. He also showed us how to differentiate various types of bamboos. .

(2)Before we leave, Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, and Yan-rou Wu interviewed Ms. Wang and Ms. He on the ingredients of rice in bamboo tube. We¡¦ve asked our teacher to prepare the ingredients needed.

(3) Once we arrived at the mountain, we asked Ms. Wang to explain the procedures for digging bamboo shoots. Our teacher divided us into groups and took us bamboo shoot digging.

(4)We asked Mr. He to talk about the various types of bamboos. He also taught us how to tell the age of a bamboo. Mr. He cut down some bamboo for our later rice in bamboo tube activity. Then, we cut the bamboos into tubes.

(5)After we came down from the mountain, along the explanation of Ms. Wang, Ms. He gave us a demonstration of the making of rice in bamboo tube.

(6) Students wrapping the bamboo tubes.

(7)Everybody share the cooked rice in bamboo tubes and share afterthoughts about the eating and making of the rice.




6. Task: Experience Picking Bird¡¦s nest ferns, Experience making bird¡¦s nest fern cuisines.

Date of Research:

2011.4.29  PM13:00-16:00

Total Time:

39 Hours.

Number of Participants:

13. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Teacher Huang, Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, Yan-rou Wu, Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, Hsue-ke Chiu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School

Chian Ching Community, Wanrong Township, Hualien County


(1)Teacher Wen teaches mother tongue in our school. She has a bird¡¦s nest fern garden in the mountain close to our school. During her free time, Teacher Wen would always go to the mountain to tend her bird¡¦s nest fern garden. This time we asked Teacher Wen to take us bird¡¦s nest ferns picking at her garden. We also asked her to teach us the secret of preparing tasty bird¡¦s nest fern cuisines.

(2)Before we start out, Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, and Hsue-ke Chiu interviewed Teacher Wen on the ingredients needed for preparing bird¡¦s nest cuisines. We¡¦ve asked our teacher to prepare the ingredients for us.

(3)When we got to the mountains, we first asked Teacher Wen to explain the procedures for picking bird¡¦s nest ferns. Our teacher divided us into groups and we started picking bird¡¦s nest ferns.

(4)After we got off the mountain we were divided into groups and started to wash the bird¡¦s nest ferns. Teacher Wen then gave us a demonstration on the making of bird¡¦s nest fern cuisines. Bird¡¦s nest ferns can be fried, stir fried and etc¡K.

(5)We shared the cooked bird¡¦s nest fern cuisines and shared afterthoughts of the experiences.



7. Task: Interview with Ms. Wang, Teacher Wen

Date of Research:

2011.5.6  PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

26 Hours.

Number of Participants:

13. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Teacher Huang, Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, Yan-rou Wu, Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, Hsue-ke Chiu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)Last time when we made rice in bamboo tube and bird¡¦s nest fern cuisines. Due to the lack of time, we didn¡¦t get the change to interview Ms. Wang and Teacher Wen. Today we invited both of them to the school so we could interview them.

(2)Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, and Hsue-ke Chiu took turns interviewing Teacher Wen about bird¡¦s nest ferns.

(3)Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, and Hsue-ke Chiu took turns taking notes, films, and photos, while the other students listened carefully.

(4Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, and Yan-rou Wu took turns interviewing Ms. Wang on questions relating rice in bamboo tube.

(5)Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, and Yan-rou Wu took turns taking notes, films and photos while other students listened carefully.



8. Task: Film Editing of the Cuisine Interview Experience

Date of Research:

2011.5.13, 2011.6.17, 2011.8.24, 2011.8.25, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

104 Hours.

Number of Participants:

13. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Teacher Huang, Yu-hsuan Huang, Qing Huang, Yan-rou Wu, Ya-min Huang, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Hsin-tse Huang, Chen-yang Liu, Hsue-ke Chiu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)Our teacher gave us an introduction on the application of the film editing software PowerDirector¡¨.

(2)Students were asked to edit the film clips of the banana leaf rice experience, the rice in bamboo tube experience and the bird¡¦s nest fern cuisines experience, and incorporate special effects and music effects into the clips.

(3)Shared the complete film clips of each group.



9. Task: Organize interview files

Date of Research:

2011.9.2, 2011.9.9, 2011.9.13, 2011.9.16, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

72 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)Our teacher taught us the use of the software ¡§Doz Transcribing¡¨ to convert audio files into text files.

(2)Students were divided into groups to organize audio files for the banana leaf rice, the rice in bamboo tube and the bird¡¦s nest cuisines. Then they were told to put on their thoughts about the interviews.

(3)Forward the organized interview files to the teacher.



10. Task: Write information on traditional aboriginal cuisines using Xmind

Date of Research:

2011.9.30, 2011.10.7, 2011.10.28, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

72 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)On September 20th on our school field trip we went to the Masai Aboriginal Restaurant in Tongmen Village for lunch. We had eaten a lot of different type of traditional Truku cuisines. This aroused our thirst for knowledge on the marketing and management of the restaurant, and we wanted to interview its owner Ms. Masai.

(2)Each group discussed on the things which most attracted them about the cuisines. What are their characteristics? The students used mind map to organize the information.

(3)Share the cuisine mind map of each group.

(4)Each group collected information on the aboriginal cuisines of other restaurants. Also took note of the marketing schemes of each restaurant. Then organized the collected information using mind map.

(5)Each group went up to share their findings.

(6)Students shared their afterthoughts.



11. Task: Discussion on interview questions for the restaurants

Date of Research:

2011.11.4,  PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

26 Hours.

Number of Participants:

13. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)Everybody discussed on the types of question we could ask at the interview with the owner of the Masai Aboriginal Restaurant.

(2)Students were divided into groups and discussed the interview script using Xmind.

(3)Shared the interview script of each group and edited it.

(4)Everybody discussed on the interview etiquettes and manners when interviewing the owner of Masai Aboriginal Restaurant.

(5)Interview practice of each group

(6)Students shared afterthoughts



12. Task: Interview Practice

Date of Research:

2011.11.13, 2011.12.2, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

48 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)The teacher gave an introduction on what to watch for during interviews.

(2)Students practice by interviewing teacher

(3)Share afterthoughts.



13. Task: Practice on the application of digital cameras

Date of Research:

2011.11.18, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

24 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1) Image records are crucial elements to an interview. Since we will be using photos of our experiences and interviews for our webpage, we will have to be proficient in the operation of digital cameras. The fact that this semester there were new members who joined the team, some of them were not familiar with its applications. To help the students familiarize themselves with the use of digital cameras, our teacher gave us an introduction on its application, photo composition, and what to watch for during use.

(2)Students divided into groups and took photos using digital cameras.

(3)Shared the pictures which everybody had taken.



14. Task: Practice on the application of digital video cameras

Date of Research:

2011.11.25, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

24 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


 (1)Sometimes the people we interview would talk without stopping and we were usually to slow to write down all the things the interviewee said. By using a digital video camera you can record the voice and actions of the interviewee. Some of the team members participated in last year¡¦s Cyberfair project, so they were already familiar with the operation of a digital video camera. The perfect little teachers for teaching our new team members.

(2)The teacher gave us an introduction on the operating of a digital video camera, filming techniques, image composition, and things to watch out for during shooting. Allowing students to familiarize themselves with the operating of a digital video camera.

(3)Students were divided into groups to shoot films of the school and practice using digital video cameras.

(4) Shared the pictures which everybody had taken.



15. Task: Interview with the owner of Masai Aboriginal Restaurant, Ms. Masai

Date of Research:

2011.12.4, AM10:30-12:30

Total Time:

20 Hours.

Number of Participants:

10. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Syue ke Ciou, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang, Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou.


Masai Aboriginal Restaurant, Rongshu Community, Tongmen Village, Shioulin Township, Hualien County


(1)Went to Masai Aboriginal Restaurant to interview Ms. Masai.

(2)Hsue-ke Chiu, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Yu-chin Ma, Yu-hsuan Huang, Li-jie Yan, and Lan-chen Chiou took turns interviewing Ms. Masai.

(3)Ms. Masai talked about the cuisines of her restaurant, her marketing schemes and her experiences starting the business.

(4)People who didn¡¦t take part in the interview were responsible for taking notes of the interview.

(5)People who didn¡¦t take part in the interview were responsible for taking photos and shooting films.

(6)After the interview, we all enjoyed the delicious cuisines which Ms. Masai had prepared for us.

(7)After we had finished the food, with the permission of Ms. Masai, we interviewed some of the restaurant guests. We asked the guests about their feelings toward aboriginal cuisines. Cuisines with special characteristics can really attract people.



16. Task: Visit Mukumugi Ecological Path

Date of Research:

2011.12.4, PM14:00-16:00

Total Time:

20 Hours.

Number of Participants:

10. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua, Syue ke Ciou, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang, Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou.


Mukumugi Ecological Path, Tongmen Village, Shioulin Township, Hualien County


(1) The Mukumugi Ecological Path possesses rich natural resources. Today we have asked the Mukumugi guide Ms. Hsian-mei Hsu to give us an introduction on the various resources of edible plants and animals and also its history and culture.

(2)Visit the Mukumugi Ecological Path.

(3) Ms. Hsian-mei Hsu explained about the natural and cultural resources.

(4)Share afterthoughts.[up]


17. Task: Organize interview files

Date of Research:

2011.12.9, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

24 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1) Last time some of the students were unable to go to the Masai Aboriginal Restaurant interview. To share the experience with the students who didn¡¦t go, the students who went made a report on their findings and shared the photos they took at the interview.

(2)Students were divided into groups and converted the audio file of the Masai Aboriginal Restaurant interview into text using the software Doz Transcribing, and put in their thoughts about the interview.

(3) Forward the organized interview files to the teacher.



18. Task: Interview at the Shang You Aboriginal Restaurant

Date of Research:

2011.12.16, PM13:30-16:30

Total Time:

36 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Shang You Aboriginal Restaurant, Tongmen Village, Shioulin Township, Hualien County


(1)Went to Shang You Aboriginal Restaurant to interview its owner Mr. Doyong.

(2)Everybody were divided into groups then took turns interviewing the owner Mr. Doyong about his cuisines, marketing schemes, and experience starting the business.

(3)Mr. Doyong talked about the cuisines of the restaurant, his marketing schemes and experience starting the restaurant business.

(4) People who didn¡¦t take part in the interview were responsible for taking notes of the interview.

(5) People who didn¡¦t take part in the interview were responsible for taking photos and shooting films.

(6)After the interview, everybody enjoyed the delicious food Mr. and Mrs. Doyong had prepared for us.

(7)Mr. Doyong brought us to a place close to the restaurant and gave us an introduction of various edible plants which he had planted. Through Mr. Doyong¡¦s exciting explanations, we had learned a lot of stories about plants. From this interview not only had we eaten delicious wild vegetable, we also got to see the plants with our own eyes. We¡¦ve gained so much.



19. Task: The Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant Interview

Date of Research:

2011.12.30, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

48 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant, Chungde Village Shioulin Township, Hualien County


(1)We had visited Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant for our previous Cyberfair project, and we just couldn¡¦t forget its unique Truku dishes. This time our Cyberfair project topic is on traditional aboriginal cuisine. Without a doubt we have come to interview its co-owners Mr.Guo and Ms. Peng.

(2) Everybody were divided into groups then took turns interviewing the owner Ms.Peng about her cuisines, marketing schemes, and experience starting the business.

(3)Ms. Peng talked about the cuisines of the restaurant, her marketing schemes and experience starting the restaurant business.

(4) People who didn¡¦t take part in the interview were responsible for taking notes of the interview.  

(5) People who didn¡¦t take part in the interview were responsible for taking photos and shooting films.

(6) After the interview, everybody enjoyed the delicious food Ms. Peng had prepared for us.



20. Task: Interview at the Hongye High-raised House Restaurant

Date of Research:

2012.1.6, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

48 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Hongye High-raised House Restaurant, Hongye Village, Wanrong Township, Hualien County


(1)Hongye High-raised House Restaurant was once one of the most popular restaurants in Wanrong Township. The unique Truku cuisine of the restaurant reserves traces of the food of the tribe. However, due to problems with funds and man power, the restaurant had to close down. Therefore, this time we were here to conduct a deep investigation of the difficulties of managing an aboriginal restaurant. Today we interviewed the ones responsible for the planning and funding application of the restaurant¡¦s administrative resources, President Huang and Ms. Huang of the Hongye Community Development Association.

(2) Everybody were divided into groups then took turns interviewing Mr. Huang and Ms. Huang about their cuisines, marketing schemes, and experience starting the business.

(3)Ms. Huang talked about the cuisines of the restaurant and Mr. Huang talked about the restaurant¡¦s marketing schemes, and their experiences starting the business.

(4) People who didn¡¦t take part in the interview were responsible for taking notes of the interview..

(5) People who didn¡¦t take part in the interview were responsible for taking photos and shooting films.

(6) After the interview, everybody enjoyed the delicious food which Ms. Huang had prepared for us.



21. Task: Organize Verbatim Files of the Interview

Date of Research:

2012.1.13, PM13:30-15:30

Total Time:

24 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)The students were divided into groups, converted the audio files of the Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant interview into text files using the software Doz Transcribing, and then put in their thoughts about the interview.

(2)Forward the organized interview files to the teacher.



22. Task: Discuss Webpage Outline

Date of Research:

2012.1.18, PM15:00-16:00

Total Time:

5 Hours.

Number of Participants:

3. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Teacher Hua.


Teacher Office, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School .


(1)Preliminary discussions on the webpage outline, and edited it in accordance with the project topic.

(2)Confirmation on the appointed jobs for the next meeting.

(3)Reconfirm project topic on the next meeting.



23. Task: Organize Verbatim Files of the Interview

Date of Research:

2012.2.10, PM13:00-16:00, 2012,2.13, PM12:00-13:00, 2012.2.14, PM12:00-13:002012.2.16, PM12:00-13:00, 2012.2.17, PM12:00-13:00  

Total Time:

84 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1) The students were divided into groups, converted the audio files of the Shang You Aboriginal Restaurant interview, Dageeli Aboriginal Restaurant interview, and Hongye High-raised House Restaurant interview into text files using the software Doz Transcribing, and then put in their thoughts about the interviews.

(2) Forward the organized interview files to the teacher.



24. Task: Organize Interview Afterthoughts

Date of Research:

2012.2.18-20, AM9:00-11:00  

Total Time:

60 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)The students were divided into groups, worked with the software Doz Transcribing and put on their thoughts.

(2) Forward the organized interview files to the teacher.



25. Task: Organize afterthoughts about the joining of the Cyberfair project

Date of Research:

2012.2.21, PM12:00-13:00  

Total Time:

12 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)Students organized their afterthoughts about the joining of the Cyberfair project into text, and put on their feelings into words.

(2) Forward the organized interview files to the teacher.



26. Task: Organize contents of the webpage, webpage making

Date of Research:

2012.2.8 - 2012.2.24

Total Time:

156 Hours.

Number of Participants:

12. Director Hsu, Teacher Ai, Ting-hsuan Kao, En-yi Guo,  Syue ke Ciou, Yu-cin Ma, Yu-syuan Wang , Li-jie Yan, Lan-jhen Ciou,  Yu ting Jiang, Yi-syuan Lin, Guan-jie Wu.


Computer Classroom, Hualien County Wanrong Township Jien Ching Elementary School


(1)Introduction on the structure of the webpage contents

(2)Divide the works: organize webpage contents, make webpage components, photo compression¡K.

(3)Organized webpage contents using Word in accordance with the webpage content structure and uploaded it to the Sinbaiyang Cultural Club website. Materials collected from the web and the interviews were uploaded to the Sinbaiyang Cultural Club website.

(4)Compressed the photos using the software PhotoImpact, and Photocap, and uploaded the photos onto the Sinbaiyang Cultural Club website.

(5)Made webpage components using the software photoshop, photoimpact or FrontPage 2003: buttons, banner, background¡K¡K

(6)Made webpage using the software frontpage and uploaded it to the school server for testing.



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