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Project NarrativeHomepageAbout TrukuGreat IngredientsBon AppetitCuisineFun in CuisineResearch ProcessConclusions

Prepping for research • A Cuisine Interview Record • Restaurant Interview Record • Working Progress • Special Thanks • References


Prepping for research

1. Defining interview questions:

Before we set out on our interviews, we spent considerable time discussing what questions we should ask. Aside from the questions we derived from our internet research, our teacher taught us to use mindmapping software to organize and manage our interview questions. In addition, we did rehearsals of the interviews at school, so that we wouldn¡¦t have stage fright when it came to the real thing!

Using mindmapping software to organize our materials  [up]

(1) Utilizing equipment: 

Before we conducted the interviews, our teacher carefully taught us how to operate digital cameras and camcorders. Recording the interviews in writing is not good enough, because interviewees might speak too fast and leave us no time to write down the full answers, posing the concern that we might miss some major points, therefore the best way to conduct interviews is to use audio or video recordings, then transcribe the contents off of the recordings. Our teacher did remind us that, if we wished to record the interviews, we must always obtain permission from our subjects. We are grateful for the assistance of Teacher Jing-mei Chu from Donghwa University, who asked Ms. Jia-ling Ke and Ms. Chi-yu Li from the Institute of Visual Arts and Education to teach us how to use the digital camcorder and camera. We would also like to thank Teacher Eiffel from The Alliance Cultural Foundation for teaching us the basics of photography. They all did such a meticulous job of coaching us, and helped us to acquire photographic skills very quickly. 


(2) Communicating with interviewees: 

Before setting up interview appointments, we had to call the interviewees and find out what dates and locations suited them best. We also forwarded our interview questions to them in advance, so that they have a clear idea of our purpose and direction and can prepare accordingly. Our teacher also said that letting interviewees know of questions in advance is a form of respect!

(3) Interview locations: 

The interviews we conducted for our project of ¡§Perfect Cuisine¡XTraditional Truku Gourmet Food¡¨ are divided into two categories, one consists of interviews of the chefs who taught us how to make traditional dishes, and the other is of restaurants that specialize in aboriginal cuisine. Aside from inviting the chefs of our community to our school and interviewing them on campus, we had to ask our teacher to drive us to the aboriginal cuisine restaurants that were further away from our school.


(4) Division of tasks: 

During the formal interviews, we are fully occupied with the tasks of asking questions, taking photographs, video and audio recordings. Fortunately, we had previously assigned individual tasks to each member, or we would have been greatly distracted. The team is divided into interviewers (those in charge of asking questions), recording staff (recording interview content), photographer (taking photographs of the interview process and of group shots of the team and the subject), and video recording staff (taking video recordings of the interview process as well as the movements and voice of the subject, so that we can access in fullest detail the content of the interviews). Before we embarked on the formal interviews, we practiced carrying out our tasks several times over!


 2. What did we do during the interviews?

(1) Interviewing and recording:

 During the interviews, those in charge of asking questions carried out their tasks. The interviewers must be familiar with the questions, pay attention to the subject¡¦s answers, and continue to interact with the subject, although other team members may help with asking additional questions. The recording staff must quickly and efficiently take down the answers the subjects make.


(2) Taking photographs and video recordings:

Our photographers and video recording staff are in action on the location of the interviews. When taking photographs, it¡¦s important to not only take photos of the interviewee and the interview process, but also any objects that are related to traditional Truku cuisine. The interview process is of course an important part of our records, the photos have to be clear, taken with a steady hand, and of a distinct subject, so that they are suitable for putting on our project website.

Video recording is also an important job. When making videos, there shouldn¡¦t be any pauses, and the entire content of the interview must be recorded, so as not to miss any part of the answers when we later filed the questions into verbatim type. If the surroundings are noisy, the video camera must be moved closer to the interview subject; alternately, a mike might be used to ascertain that all sounds have been recorded.

3. What did we do after the interviews?

(1) Filing photos and videos:

 After we conducted our interviews, we filed the photographs and video recordings we had taken chronologically, or uploaded them onto the website. Our teacher taught us to use ¡§PhotoCap¡¨ photo processing software to process, resize our photos and upload them onto the website, that way our webpage would be colorful, and the pictures would testify to our efforts! [up]


(2) Preparing outlines and verbatim type:

 After the interviews, we would use ¡§Doz Transcribing¡¨ verbatim type software to manage and transcribe our interviews into verbatim type, and file the questions according to category. If we discover during this process any uncertain answers, we would ask the interviewees again in order to ensure the depth and clarity of the interview, and provide a full view of the material we acquired.  [up]

1. yahoo knowledge+, http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1606121505678, 2007.02.08
2. yahoo knowledge+, http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1405121309985, 2007.02.08

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