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The making of rice in bamboo tube  The making of banana leaf rice  The making of Bird's nest fern cusine

Interview – The making of rice in bamboo tube

Interviewee: Ms. Li-lian Wang, Interviewed by: Qing Huang, Recorded by: Yu-hsuan Wang

1. What are the ingredients?

A: When you make rice in a bamboo tube you have to first prepare the amount of bamboo in accordance to the number of people being served. You can prepare a little more than needed in case there isn’t enough to go around. The amount of rice prepared also depends on the number of people being served. For example, 3 liters of rice makes 50 rice in bamboo tubes.

2. What kind of bamboo is used for the preparation of rice in bamboo tube? How long does each tube of bamboo have to be? How do you cut the bamboos?

A: We mostly use Makino bamboos. Try not to choose bamboos that are too thick or too thin. Since the bamboo joints vary in length the length of each bamboo tube also varies. When we cut the bamboo we want to have a bamboo joint on one end of the bamboo and no joint on the other. Then, we fill in rice from the end of bamboo that doesn’t have a joint.

3. What kind of rice is used for the preparation of rice in bamboo tube? Is there any preparation done with the rice?

A: Glutinous rice is mostly used in the making of rice in bamboo. The rice must be washed first, and then soaked in water for over four hours.

4. What kind of leaf is used? Is there any prior preparation done with the leaves? (Such as soaking)

A: Traditionally we usually use banana leaves to cover the opening of the bamboo. However due to convenience, small plastic bags are more commonly used now. The collected leaves have to be washed and then blanched in hot water. Finally, the leaves are cut accordingly to cover the bamboo openings. (approx. 5cmx5cm)

5. How do you put the rice into the bamboo tube?

A: The traditional method would be to fill the bamboos with rice by hand. However if you have the time you can use a spoon.

6. How much water is needed for boiling the rice? How much water is needed for steaming the rice in bamboo tubes?

A: Now we usually boil the rice in bamboo tubes. Since the rice is covered by the thick outer layer of the bamboo, it would take a long time to steam it. When you boil the rice in bamboo tubes the water level should not be any higher than 1/8 of the length of the bamboo. During the boiling process if the water has become less than the specified, more water should be added.

7. What ingredients are added into rice in bamboo tubes?

A: There are no ingredients added to the traditional rice in bamboo tubes; unless you to want to make a creative cuisine or want to make it to suit your own taste. If you like savory dishes you can add a bit of dried shrimp. If you like sweet dishes you can add some red beans or dried longan. You can even add purple rice to give it color.  Nevertheless, we don’t add anything else into the traditional rice in bamboo tubes.

8. When is the best time to eat rice in bamboo tubes? What kind of people is not suitable for the consumption of this food?

A: Traditionally the dish is prepared only when there is a celebration, a worship ceremony or when the hunters go on their hunting trips. The hunters would usually eat it for lunch. However, nowadays you can have the dish anytime. There are no restrictions to who can or can’t eat the dish, because rice in bamboo tube is a common dish. As long as you want to eat it you can have it.

9. What is the origin of the rice in bamboo tube?

A: In the past when the Truku men go hunting in the mountains they would get hungry and since lunch boxes hadn’t been invented yet the women would use bamboo tubes as a vessel for containing food. Not only are rice in bamboo tubes easy to carry but also convenient to eat. All you have to do is give the bamboo tube a gentle knock and your food is ready. [up]


Interview – The making of banana leaf rice

Interviewee: Ms. Li-lian Wang, Interviewed by: Ting-hsuan Kao, Recorded by: Yu-hsuan Wang

1. What ingredients do you need?

A: One of the ingredients for banana leaf rice is glutinous rice. It doesn’t matter whether you use short or long grain glutinous rice. Another ingredient would be the banana. Use really ripe bananas, ones with bits of black spots on its skin. It will have the sweetest taste and the best aroma. Other ingredients were banana leaves and brown sugar or B-grade white crystal sugar.

2. How much rice do you need to make banana leaf rice? What kind of rice is used? What needs to be done to the rice?

A: The amount of rice needed depends on the number of people being served. For example, ten people will need 1 liter of rice. In the traditional markets one bag of rice is equivalent to one liter. The rice used in banana leaf rice is mostly glutinous rice. There are two types of glutinous rice; the long grain and the short grain. Nevertheless, you can use both. Once you got the glutinous rice, you should wash it then soak it in water for about 4 hours.

3. What type of sugar is used in the making of banana rice?

A: We usually use B-grade white crystal sugar. However, people now are more health conscious so we have switched to the use of brown sugar. Brown sugar is also more aromatic. The difference between the two types of sugar is that the B-grade white crystal sugar takes longer to dissolve. Therefore, the sugar does not melt into the rice until it is steamed. On the other hand, brown sugar is finer so when it is mixed with banana it is easily incorporated into the mixture.

4. What do we have to watch for when wrapping banana leaf rice with banana leaves?

A: Since we are making banana leaf rice, we would use banana leaves which bring out the aroma of the banana. We have not tried wrapping with other types of leaves. You may try the bigger leaves. However, before you use it you must make sure that the leaves are not toxic. The banana leaves must be freshly picked. The leaves must be trimmed to squares of about 20cmx20cm, and then washed and boiled in hot water

5. What are some minor details that we have to pay attention to while preparing banana leaf rice? Do we need extra condiments?

A: During the wrapping process, you have to first take care not to break the leaf. Secondly don’t put in too much or too little filling, because too much will lead to the rupture of the leave and too little will make the wrap look ugly. Therefore, the amount of filling you put on the leaf depends on the size of the leaf. Lastly, when you tie the leaf the string must be tied up really tight, because the filling may fall out during the steaming process. Since banana is already sweet, there is no need for further addition of condiments. Furthermore, don’t add too much sugar or the rice would be too sweet.

6. Should the banana leaf rice be steamed or boiled?

A: Usually the banana leaf rice is steamed. The best way to cook a cuisine such as the banana rice is steaming, because it has a lot of moisture. So if you boil the banana leaf rice it will turn into banana paste. Therefore banana leaf rice is best steamed

7. How long does it take to steam?

A: When you steam banana leaf rice you have to wait until the water is hot and boiling then you can place the banana leaf rice into the steamer. Furthermore, each of the banana leaf rice has to be placed with some spaces in between because the steam will cause the banana leaf rice to expand in size. Also the banana leaf rice has to be stacked in different directions. They have to be placed alternately. After the banana leaf rice are in place you will have to cover the lid and let them steam for 40 minutes. Make sure you don’t steam too long, because the rice will become very dry. However, if there is a lot of banana leaf rice being steamed the steaming time should be prolonged.

8. How much water do you need to cook the rice? How much water do you need for steaming the banana leaf rice?

A: When you steam banana leaf rice, the water level must not pass the bottom of the steamer; because once water touches the banana rice you would be boiling not steaming the rice. During the steaming process, water will decrease over time you must add more water but the water level should not pass the bottom of the steamer.

9. What does banana leaf rice taste like? Are there salty ones? How do you eat it?

A: The banana leaf rice is aromatic, chewy and sweet. The Truku people rarely make savory banana leaf rice. When you eat banana leaf rice you must untie the string first and following its pattern unwrap the banana leaf as you eat. Just like eating a banana.

10. Are there any other ways of preparing banana leaf rice? Can you eat it with other traditional aboriginal foods?

A: If you want, you can eat it with wild grown vegetables or vegetable soup, and if you want something creative I would suggest that you add in some wild yam and wolfberry. You can also try to prepare it with other sweet vegetables or fruits. The taste would be quite special.

11. How long can banana leaf rice keep?

A: Banana leaf rice after it has been steamed and cooled can be stored in room temperature for two days and stored in the fridge or freezer for a week.

12. The origin of banana leaf rice?

A: In the olden days the Truku men will go on two to three days hunting trips. The women in fear that their men would go hungry came up with ways that could keep the men from their hunger. Since lunch boxes were not invented yet the Truku women came up with the idea of banana leaf rice. The fact that banana is high in calories and can be kept for a long period of time, the women came up with the idea of mixing rice with bananas. This way the hunters will be able to have a hearty meal.

13. Banana leaf rice is the traditional food of what tribe?

A: Banana rice is the traditional food of the Truku.

14. When is banana leaf rice served? Who can’t eat it?

A: Since it’s so convenient now, banana leaf rice is usually served at thanksgiving worships or used to welcome special guests. Anybody can eat it. I heard a myth from the elders that if you make the banana leaf rice with your heart and soul, the banana leaf rice will have a special aroma. When women make banana leaf rice with their heart for their husbands, the husband will be fruitful in their hunts and harvest. Furthermore, it will also enhance husband wife relationship.

15. Who taught you to make banana leaf rice?

A: This is an important question. It is a carry forward of our culture. My mother taught me to make banana leaf rice. When I was little I watched my mother make banana leaf rice and I would eventually want to learn it too.[up]



Interview~The making of Bird’s nest fern cusine

Interviewee: Ms. Hsui-shu Wen, Interviewed by: Hsue-ke Chiu, Recorded by: Yu-hsuan Wang

1. Do you need any tools for picking bird’s nest ferns? What do you have to watch for?

A: When you pick bird’s nest ferns you may use a knife or a pair of scissors. The most convenient way would be to pick it with your hands. When you pick bird’s nest fern with a knife you will have to be very careful since the blade is sharp. Also there are usually snakes and insects that bite in a bird’s nest fern garden, so you will have to watch out for them.

2. Which part of the bird’s nest fern do you pick?

A: Pick the tender curly end of the fern. Also choose ferns with a thick stem.

3. Where can you find bird’s nest fern?

A: Usually bird’s nest ferns are grown in the mountains. However, nowadays farmer grow some of the bird’s nest ferns in their own garden in the plains. This way it would be more convenient to tend and harvest them.

4. When you stir fry bird’s nest ferns which part of the fern would you choose?

A: When you prepare bird’s nest ferns keep only the tender parts of the fern. It doesn’t matter what you stir fry. You must make sure that the food is clean. Therefore, once the bird’s nest ferns are harvested they must be washed and then drained. Bird’s nest ferns must be dry so the oil in the wok won’t pop when you stir fry them.

5. How much bird’s nest fern is needed for stir frying?

A: It depends on the number of people being served. If there are a lot of people you can stir fry more

6. How long does it take to stir fry bird’s nest ferns?

A: It doesn’t matter how much bird’s nest ferns are being cooked. Stir fry in a hot wok with oil for about 3~5 minutes. Keep string throughout the cooking process to help the bird’s nest ferns cook evenly

7. What are some minor details which we should pay attention to when stir frying bird’s nest ferns?

A: When stir frying, for safety purpose: First, don’t get too close to the wok; second, don’t add too much oil to the wok; third, the heat must be high and you must stir fry quickly; fourth, never cover the wok during any kind of stir fry, because it would cause discoloration. You must be quick when stir frying bird’s nest ferns, because this way it would have the perfect crunch. It would also taste better. Also you should not cook the bird’s nest ferns for too long, because it will lose its distinctive flavor.

8. How does bird’s nest fern feel like in the mouth?

A: Bird’s nest fern is a class of the fern, so its texture is crunchy. Also bird’s nest fern has a distinctive refreshing flavor.

9. Are there any other ways for preparing bird’s nest ferns?

A: There are several ways of preparing bird’s nest ferns. Today I will teach you three types of bird’s nest cuisines. You can fry it, stir fry it, and make it into a salad. If you want to fry it you will need some flour, eggs, a bit of pepper salt and oil. If you want stir fry it you can uses some shredded pork, fermented black beans, garlic or dried anchovies and with some vegetable oil or sesame oil. Make sure you don’t use too much oil. If you want to make it into a salad you can first blanch the bird nest ferns then dress them with some salad dressing.

10. The origin of bird’s nest ferns?

A: In the olden days the elders work in the mountains. They will try to find food to eat with their rice. They saw the bird’s nest ferns growing on the tree with their tender shoots. The elders picked the tender shoots and put it in their soup. Later they grow the bird’s nest ferns by their homes so they can pick it whenever they want to eat it. Don’t cook the bird’s nest ferns for too long or they would lose their crunchiness.

11. Bird’s nest fern is the traditional food of what tribe?

A: Bird’s nest fern is not the food of a specific tribe. It is mostly grown in the east of Taiwan. They don’t grow well in hot places such as the south. They are mostly are grown in the east region.  

12. When is bird’s nest fern served? Who can’t eat it?

A: Actually bird’s nest fern can be eaten at all time. Anybody can eat it. There are no restrictions. People nowadays are not healthy. Bird’s nest fern is a nontoxic organic vegetable and is good for the body. If you want to cleanse your intestinal system, bird’s nest fern is the food for you.[up]