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According to a 2006 PIRLS study, fourth grade students in Taiwan ranked only 22 for literacy. What are the reading habits for Yu-Tsai's students like? After conducting this survey, we are able to understand Yu-Tsai students' typical reading habits.

The Survey

Date:11/28/2012 – 11/30/2012
Place:Yu-Tsai Elementary 4th graders class and computer class
Activity Theme::Yu-Tsai Elementary 4th graders Parents (male: 45,female: 59)
Participants :Sabrina, Joanna, Andraw, Eddy and Ray


1. The members of the cyberfair team use their spare time to discuss what questions should be on the survey.
2. Using Google Docs to create the survey, the students then tested it to see if the questions and answers were appropriate.
3. The fourth grade students used their computer classes to watch the film, Reading for Hope, before completing the online survey.
4. The students were given brief instructions about the purpose of the survey, its contents and how to fill it in online.
5. If the students were not sure of anything when filling in the survey, the members of the cyberfair team would individually help them.
6. When the last survey was complete, the students received some chocolate as a reward!

Survey Contents

Do you use your time after school or during cram school to read?

A:Looking at the graph, we know that 53% of students will engage in reading activities after school or during cram school.

When you have time, are you willing to read for fun?

A:From these results we can see that 67% of the students are willing to read for fun in their free time.

On average how many books do you read in a week?

A:All the students in the fourth grade at Yu-Tsai read books each week. Most students read between, 1 and 5 books a week.

On average, how much time do you spend reading in a week?

A:Most students reading for between 1 and 3 hours a week.

Will your family accompany to bookshops and libraries to buy or borrow books?

A:The vast majority of students said their families will accompany them to bookshops and libraries.

Who helped you to develop your reading habits?

A:We discovered that the biggest influence in students' reading habits was their parents. Second were teachers and third were siblings.

After reading, do you share you thought and feelings with others?

A:We can see that more than half of the students don't share their thoughts and feelings after reading.

Do you wish that you had more time to read?

A:70% of the students said that they wished they had more time to read books that they like.

What medium of reading material do you typically read?

A:Paper books are the most commonly read medium.

How do you get books?

A:Most students get their books from the library. In second place are bookstores and in third places are the classroom reading corners.

a. library / b. bookstores / c. internet / d. bought by myself / e. classroom library / f. borrow from friends / g. other

Is your home environment suited to reading?

A:We found that the students are very lucky! 95% of them have a home environment that is suitable for reading.

When you were young, did your family read stories to you?

A:The majority of the students' families read to them when they were young.

Do you family usually read at home?

A:75% of students' families usually read at home.

Is there are library or bookstore near your home?

A:Most students live close to a library or bookstore.

If someone recommended a book to you,would you read it?

A:More than half of the students would read a book recommended to them, but half would not.

Source : Yu-Tsai Bookworms