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Grade 6|Happy, Positive|Read, Play basketball, Draw

I feel very fortunate to be part of the Cyberfair project this year. I have gained unique experience that would not have been acquired from regular classroom lessons. I have learned so much through the many activities that we did together, such as, passing out promotion material on the streets, doing questionnaires, participating in debates, making videos, setting up reading groups, designing posters, and speaking and sharing my experience in public. As we progressed, I gradually learned how to interact and communicate with others. Best of all, I also became less shy and less awkward when speaking in public and I am so much better with my PowerPoint design and presentation skills.
I’m thankful for my teachers because they teach us many things in the cyber fair. I also feel thankful for my classmates, my parents because they support me every time when I need help. I’m pleasant to work with my friends at my last year of elementary school.


I’m thankful for my teachers because they teach us many things in the cyber fair. I also feel thankful for my classmates, my parents because they support me every time when I need help. I’m pleasant to work with my friends at my last year of elementary school.


Grade 6|Some times extroverted, Sometimes Introvert|Watch Comics, Listen the English Music

The reason that I join this cyber fair is just because I’m interested about it. It also makes my life in grade six become colorful. I’m very happy that in decide to join this project, or I would have missed out on a lot of things, and I would have regretted that. In these days, I’m happy that the teachers saw my efforts, promoted me from alternate player to main member of the official team. There were bitter and sweet moments in these days. Sometimes we’d chat to each other, and plan things together, sometimes we need to face of difficulties and challenges, but when I thought about how the whole world would see our web, I would feel very happy, and that everything that we’ve done were all worth it.
In the second semester, we’ve visited more independent bookstores than previous years. I was really happy about it. Even though it was hard this second semester, my friends were always supporting me. So I’m very thankful to all of my friends for being with me until the last moment. Even though I’m graduating in this year, I still hope that I could join cyber fair again!


In the course of the study, I found out that the books that we read are a lot less than Europe and the United States. I it seems that reading isn’t an activity that we’ll do every day. So this time in our cyber fair, we used more fun and interesting ways to popularize “reading” in school and community. Even though I got so exhausted and my contributions was small, I wish that has encouraged someone to read everyday our cyber fair.


Grade 6|Optimistic│ Listening to music, Singing

It is my honor to be selected as one of the Cyberfair Team member again, it provides me a chance to give my effort for the Cyberfair and for the school. Compared to last year, this year's theme —The Small Small Bookshop is far more interesting and knowledgeable. This year, I am not only more capable for the Cyberfair assignments, but also know what to do. My greatest achievements are to learn self-confidence in the interviews, to give generous performance in front of everybody. Moreover, my web design techniques are more skillful. In addition, I have also learned how to allocate work as a team leader, to encourage the teammates to put every effort on Cyber Contest, to help teamwork activities to be carried out more smoothly.
Finally, I sincerely thanks very much, to all the hardworking Cyberfair Team members and teachers for fighting with me for the Cyberfair Contest in the past seven months, , as well as to the all small small book shop’s managers for sharing their skills and knowledge, and to my mom and dad, who have always supported me.


Throughout the preparation of the Cyberfair Contest, we have a lot of experiences to go out for interviewing. From the interviews with every bookstore’s manager, I have seen their passions in books and their enthusiasm in reading. From the interviews with the little publishing company, we understand the hard work of publishing a book. From the small small book shop trainees’ sharing, we know that because of the small small book shop, so that more people can have the opportunity to participate in the reading and writing activities. In these interviews, I learned a good interview, not only the interviewer needs to have a friendly attitude, she also must be very attentive to every word of respondents share. Nevertheless, the interviewer must know how to interact with respondents.


Grade 5|Happy, Lively|Play basketball

I was very happy that I could participate in Cyberfair. On this project, I gained new friends and learned a lot of new and difficult things. However hard the work was, everybody did their best to accomplish their tasks. We shared our difficulties, talked and laughed with each other just like one big family. Although there were disputes occasionally, we were able to work out and overcome our differences and cooperated with each other to achieve our goals.
In Cyberfair, we held many kinds of activities where teachers and other students in our school participated. The most memorable of these activities was the book bazaar to raise funds for orphans. I saw how enthusiastically the students donated used books and members of the community supported us by buying them. It was a very meaningful and interesting activity. Now Cyberfair is going to end soon, and I’m very reluctant to leave our Cyber Fair team. I want to thank the Cyber Fair teachers because they made me very happy while doing this project.


At first, the students involved in Cyberfair didn’t know each other, but later we became very close just like brothers and sisters. I also appreciate our teachers for being our school mom. They protected us and took care of us all the time, enabling us to grow and learn so much from this project. I also discovered that the students in our team have different strengths: someone could draw very well, another one could type very fast, another student had leadership ability, while another was good with computers. With these different strengths, we were able to help and learn from each other.


Grade 6|Shy|Drawing, Writing

This is my second time to join this activity. In this time, I learned many things. I can learn new things in every activity like publishing, doing research or more. I’m happy that I can joined this activity, and did this topic with my classmates and teachers. I want to say thank you to them. Because of them, I have been braver now. I also feel warm with them.


Because of this activity, I understand more about bookshops, I also learned more about the publishing industry. I found out that reading is important. We propagate this topic to many schools and the neighborhood. I also found out that I like the feeling that everyone does things together. I was happy that I could finish this topic with others, and also learn how to communicate with people.


Grade 6|Vigorous|Dancing, Play the Piano

This is my second time to come to the cyberfair, but it also is my last chance to come. In addition to the theme being different this year from last year, the feeling was much different, the classmates were different, the topic was different, also all the things that we did was not the same. I also became the team leader, responsible for helping the new classmates to quickly get into used to the program. I have learnt many new things and had many new experiences, like handing out the flyers in the streets and asking questions . I am very lucky to have been to cyberfair and I thank my teacher for giving me a chance , although this is the last time, I hope this time we’ll get a good score!


I found that opening a bookstore is not easy, the most important thing is money , and to find the right company to order the right books from a book club and reading new books, many of those things that the boss needs to solve . And I learnt that on the outside is a very beautiful bookstore, but the boss has to work really hard with all the staff to make it a beautiful and successful store. And a bookstore will not earn that much money , but the boss can continue this dream is big dreams!


Grade 5| Cheerful, Lively|Play Baseketball, Acting

It’s an honor for me to be part of the Cyberfair team this time. I was able to learn so many new things outside of textbooks and make many new friends. We have been through many things, faced many difficulties, but we were not afraid of challenges and completed all the tasks. We held debates, we handed out promotion flyers in the communities and a presentation in our school about Small Small Bookstore, we did a book drive and we also held a story-telling activity. Everyone did their best to complete their responsibilities. Sometimes we would have differences, but we always worked it eventually. Through this experience, I have learned how to work with different people and have grown a lot since I first joined the project. I really hate to see it end. I am thankful to our teachers who showed us the way to discover, think and be creative.


I discovered that making up a good questionnaire is quite difficult. We first have to decide the objective of this questionnaire, and then we need to think up the questions and organize the questions in logical order. It is also a challenge to get the questionnaires answered because we would have to overcome our shyness to talk to strangers and would not get discouraged when we are turned down.


Grade 6|Vigorous|Drawing

This is my first time to join the Cyberfair, and unfortunately also the last time. I am very grateful to the teachers and my parents for giving me this chance to join the Cyberfair. During this process I learnt many things not found in textbooks and I joined many special activities that I’ve never joined before, it made me learn many things. The biggest result of the Cyberfair for me came after all the practice and my team members’ help. I, to my great surprise, could stand on a stage with confidence and read a story to many students. Seeing students concentrate and listening as I told my story, made me very happy! After the activity, I had many people congratulating me!


This project left very deep impressions on me. The money we collected from selling books we donated to a charitable organization that will help children in need. The kindness of Yu –Tsai’s teachers and students and people in the community’s love that reached out to help those who needed it most, made me realize how happy helping others can make you feel! I was proud to be a member of the representative team that presented our donation to the children’s home. After hearing the stories of many children in that facility, it made me realize just how fortunate I am! I really want to have more chances to help people.


Grade 6|Optimism|Draw, Video Editing

Our theme for this year’s Cyberfair project is about independent bookstores and the importance of reading. I find the topic very interesting. Working on this project, I have not only learned a lot about the topic, I have also learned to be responsible for myself and for the team. Thanks to my teachers and schoolmates who have helped me grow and provided me support and encouragement when I ran into difficulties. This has been an experience that I will always cherish.


From the Storytelling activity, I learned the importance of team work in organizing an event. To be successful, everyone must make an effort to work well together. During this activity, in front of the audience, there was a moderator in charge of controlling the flow of the event, a field director and his team who control the order at the scene, and a good captivating story teller who needs to attract everyone’s attention with her voice. I was operating the computer in the back corner. Although it was not as glamorous as those presenting on stage, I was as important to help make the activity an exciting and successful one.


Grade 5 | Active | Diabolo, Play ball, Skate board

I am happy I can be part of the Cyberfair team this year. After the study of this year’s theme, I have learned how hard it is to manage an independent bookstore. An independent bookstore owner has to face many difficulties such as worrying about the financials, opposition from family members, and many other challenges. To be able to keep an independent bookstore operating, the owner must have great passion for books and reading and persistence on his dream. I wish I could be like the owner of the Small Small Bookstore – to be as persistent on making my dreams come true.


Thanks to my wonderful teachers, I now know how to design and make a web page. It is easier than I thought. I learned how to make a web page fairly quickly after several practices. Although it was not hard to put up a web page, it is very difficult to design a web page with rich content and design that will attract readers’ attention. It takes many hours of data collection and excellent analytical and organization skills. I have learned so much from this Cyberfair experience.

Source : Yu-Tsai Bookworms